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Eng - საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობები

03 აგვ

Erasmus+ - GTU Assoc. Professor STA Mobilitiy at WUST

On July 17-21, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Nino Topuria from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Wrocław University of Science and Technology - WUST (Wroclaw, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Nino Topuria
02 აგვ

Erasmus+ - GTU Professors STT Moility at UPSaclay

On July 4-7, 2023, Professors from the GTU Faculty of Medicine Zaza Sopromadze (Dean of the Faculty), Irakli Kirtadze and Tinatin Gognadze and Prof. Zviad Gurtskaia form the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Paris-Saclay University - UPSaclay (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project for administrative activities. See the related mobility report presented by the Professors of the Faculty of Medicine
31 ივლ

Erasmus+ - GTU Assoc. Professor STT Mobilitiy at WUST

On July 3-7, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia, Deputy Dean for Science and International Relations of the GTU Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanics Engineering visited Wrocław University of Science and Technology - WUST (Wroclaw, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for administrative activities. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia
02 ივლ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course in Agile and Scrum Methodology at LUT

On 27 May - 3 June, 2023, Assist. Prof. Samson Darchia from the GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Lublin University of Technology - LUT (Lublin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course in Agile and Scrum Methodology. See the related mobility report presented by Assist. Prof. Samson Darchia
30 ივნ

Erasmus+ - GTU Professors STA and STT Moilities at POLIMI

On June 5-9, 2023, Prof. Gocha Mikiashvili, Prof. Malkhaz Razmadze (International Design School) and Prof. Nino Imnadze (Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design) visited Politecnico di Milano - Polimi (Milan, Italy) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic and administrative activities. They participated in the “Mantova Architettura” event and delivered the lecture course and seminars related to the sustainable approaches of Cultural Heritage in the Caucasian Region. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Gocha Mikiashvili
28 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course and Seminars on Laser-plasma Physics and Resonance Spectroscopy Methods

On June 5-16, 2023, Prof. Paata Kervalishvili and Prof. Tamar Berberashvili from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Paris-Saclay University (Paris, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course and seminars related to the development and scientific research of laser-plasma physics and resonance spectroscopy methods. See the related mobility report presented by Professors Kervalishvili and Berberashvili
26 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course in Theoretical Mechanics at KUT

On June 12-16, 2023, Invited Professor Lali Kajaia from GTU Faculty of Civil Engineering visited the Koszalin University of Technology - KUT (Koszalin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course in Theoretical Mechanics and participated in the Workshop organized by the project coordinator KUT. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Lali Kajaia
23 ივნ

Erasmus+ - GTU Professors STT Mobility at INSA Rennes

On June 4-11, 2023, Professors of Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems of the Georgian Technical University: Kartlos Kachiashvili, Davit Natroshvili, Mariam Chkhaidze, Zaza Tsiramua and Vakhtang Kvaratskhelia visited the  INSA Rennes (National Institute of Applied Sciences in Rennes, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project for administrative straff training activities. See the related mobility report presented by the Professors
23 ივნ

Erasmus+ 25th Anniversary International Week - GTU Representative STA Mobility at AGH University of Science and Technology

On 17-21 April, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze from GTU Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design visited AGH University of Science and Technology (Krakow, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and participated in the Erasmus+ 25th Anniversary International Week. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze
04 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on the Business Administration Issues at VIKO

On 15-19 May, 2023, Invited Prof. Nino Kavtaradze from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Vilnius Kolegija Higher Education Institution - VIKO (Vilnius, Lithuania) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course on the Business Administration issues. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Nino Kavtaradze
04 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on the Modern Research Technologies and Methods at VIKO

On 8-12 May, 2023, Prof. Tamari Beridze from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Vilnius Kolegija Higher Education Institution - VIKO (Vilnius, Lithuania) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course on the Modern Research Technologies and Methods. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Tamari Beridze
04 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on the Human Resource Management at the Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution

On 8-12 May, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Tamar Kajaia from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Kaunas, Lithuania) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course on the Human Resource Management. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Tamar Kajaia

30 მაი

Erasmus+ - GTU Student Anna Kekelidze Mobility/Internship at Paris-Saclay University

Postgraduate student Anna Kekelidze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems has been conducting internship at Paris-Saclay University (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project, during the spring semester of 2021-2022 academic year (02.05.22-01.07.22). See the related mobility report presented by Ms. Anna Kekelidze
22 მაი

Erasmus+ International Week - GTU Representatives STT and STA Mobility at Sivas Cumhuriyet University

On May 8-12, 2023, the Erasmus+ International Week was held in Sivas Cumhuriyet University (Sivas, Turkey), where the following representatives of GTU have been participating: Prof. Ketevan Mdinaradze (Faculty of Civil Engineering); Prof. Tamar Loladze (Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy); Prof. Manana Vasadze and Assist. Prof. Nino Omanadze (Faculty of Business Technology); Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze (Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design) and Assoc. Prof. Tamar Papachashvili (Faculty of Mining and Geology). See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Ketevan Mdinaradze, Prof. Tamar Loladze, Prof. Manana Vasadze, Assist. Prof. Nino Omanadze, Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze and Assoc. Prof. Tamar Papachashvili
14 მაი

Erasmus+ International Week - GTU Representatives STA Mobility at IPBeja

On April 17-21, 2023, Beja Polytechnic Institute - IPBeja (Beja, Portugal) organized the Erasmus+ International Week where GTU representatives: Prof. Rusudan Kutateladze, Assist. Prof. Nino Omanadze from the Faculty of Business Technology and Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Biosystems Engineering have been participating within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities. They delivered the presentations on the following topics: "Motivation as the driving force of the organization"; "Recruitment and personnel selection" and "Georgia - the Homeland of Wine". See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Rusudan Kutateladze, Assist. Prof. Nino Omanadze and Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili
13 მაი

Erasmus+ - Lecture and Practical Course on SEO at UD

On 24-28 April, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Rusudan Papiashvili and Invited Lecturer Ekaterine Papava from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited the University of Debrecen - UD (Debrecen, Hungary) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture and practical course on the Search Engine Optimization (SEO). See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Rusudan Papiashvili and Ekaterine Papava
13 მაი

Erasmus+ International Week - GTU Associate Professor STA Mobility at LUT

On 17-21 April, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Mzevinar Nozadze from GTU Faculty of Business Technology participated in Erasmus+ International Week hosted by the Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the presentation about the "Managing Business Finances" and lecture course on the Financial  Management. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Mzevinar Nozadze
30 აპრ

Erasmus+ - GTU Associate Professor STA Mobility at UM

On 21-30 March, 2023, Assoc. Prof. David Bostanashvili from GTU Faculty of Architecture, Urban planning and Design visited the University of Malta - UM (Msida, Malta) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered the lecture course on the Poetics of Architecture. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. David BostanaSvili
12 აპრ

Fenerbahçe University - III USBED/IJSES International Conference on Social and Educational Sciences

On 19-21 October 2023, Fenerbahçe University (Istanbul, Turkey) will host the “3rd USBED/IJSES International Conference on Social and Educational Sciences”
09 თებ

Erasmus+ - GTU Student Ketevan Arveladze Mobility at Junia ISEN Lille

Postgraduate student Ketevan Arveladze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems has been studying at Junia ISEN Lille (Lille, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project, during the fall semester of 2022-2023 academic year. See the related mobility report presented by Ms. Ketevan Arveladze
06 თებ

International Electronic Scientific and Practical Journal "WayScience" - Call for Papers

Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists of Dniprov Academy of Continuing Education (Dnipro, Ukraine) and editorial office of International Electronic Scientific and Practical Journal "WayScience" invite scientists, scientific and pedagogical staff, doctorates, postgraduate students, students of your educational institution and professionals in their field to take part in the Conferences
17 იან

Cambridge Education House - English Courses for GTU Students

Cambridge Education House invites students from GTU to study popular English courses at a huge discount, within the contract between the Cambridge Education House and Georgian Technical University (Registration is open from 17 January-25 January, 2023)
07 დეკ

Erasmus+ - GTU Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering Representatives STA Mobility at KUT

On 28.11.22 - 02.12.22, Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolandia and Assist. Prof. Davit Japaridze from the GTU Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering visited Koszalin University of Technology - KUT (Koszalin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolandia and Assist. Prof. Davit Japaridze
06 დეკ

Erasmus+ - GTU Professor STT Mobility at Junia ISA Lille

On 24 - 28 October, 2022, Prof. Giorgi Kvartskhava, Dean of the GTU Faculty of Agriculture Science and Biosystems Engoneering  visited Junia ISA Lille (Lille, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project for administrative activities and participated in the Erasmus+ International Staff Week (ICM Staff Week). See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Giorgi Kvartskhava
02 დეკ

W.E. B.E.S.T. project and GTU International Scientific-Practical Conference “Innovations and Modern Challenges – 2022”

On November 18-19, 2022 Georgian Technical University Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems organized the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Innovations and Modern Challenges – 2022” that was highlighted by W.E. B.E.S.T. project  investigating topics that are in line with the conference themes
01 დეკ

Erasmus+ - GTU Associate Professor STA Mobility at LUT

On 4-8 July, 2022, Assoc. Prof. Natia Shengelia from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Lublin University of Technology - LUT (Lublin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and participated in the Erasmus+ International Staff Week. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Natia Shengelia
23 ნოე

VilniusTECH - XIV International Conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques”

On 5–6 of October 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - VilniusTECH (Vilnius, Lithuania) will host the 14th International Conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques”
19 ნოე

The Impact of the University Researches on the Economic Growth of the Country

Young researchers of Wageningen University (Wageningen, the Netherlands) conducted the research related to the impact of the new technologies elaborated at the universities for the SMEs development in the country
15 ნოე

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on the Modern Results and Tasks of Quantum Information Technologies at UNIWA

On 24 - 28 October, 2022, Prof. Paata Kervalishvili from the Department of Engineering Physics at GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited University of West Attica - UNIWA (Athens, Greece) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and conducted a short cycle of lectures on the modern results and tasks of quantum information technologies, laser physics and 2D electronics for students and professors of UNIWA. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Paata Kervalishvili
08 ნოე

Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Romanian Academy - International Symposium "European Green Deal Challenges to Agriculture and Rural Areas"

On December 07, 2022, the Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Romanian Academy is organizing the 27-th edition of the International Symposium "The European Green Deal Challenges to Agriculture and Rural Areas"
08 ნოე

Erasmus+ - GTU Assistant STA Mobility at SUT

On 4-8 July, 2022, Assistant Alexander Labadze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Silesian University of Technology - SUT (Gliwice, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and participated in the Erasmus+ International Staff Week. See the related mobility report presented by Assistant Alexander Labadze
07 ნოე

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on the Types of Construction Tenders and Tender Processes at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow

On 9-13 May, 2022, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow (Poland) hosted the Erasmus+ II International Week, where Assoc. Prof. Levan Bogveradze from GTU Faculty of Civil Engineering has been participated within Erasmus+ mobility project and delivered the lecture course on the types of construction tenders and tender processes. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Levan Bogveradze
24 ოქტ

Erasmus+ - I International Week “Let’s Imagine the Future in Erasmus+” at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University

On 5 - 9 September, 2022, at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (Burdur, Turkey) was conducted the 1st Erasmus+ International Week - “Let’s Imagine the Future in Erasmus+”, where lecturer Tinatin Charkhalashvili from GTU Faculty of Economic Engineering, Media Technology and Social Sciences has been participating and the MoU between Georgian Technical University and Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University was signed. See the related mobility report presented by Ms. Tinatin Charkhalashvili 
04 აგვ

Erasmus+ - GTU Student Tornike Kakhetelidze Mobility at Paris-Saclay University

Postgraduate student Tornike Kakhetelidze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems has been studying at Paris-Saclay University (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project, during the spring semester of 2021-2022 academic year. See the related mobility report presented by Mr. Tornike Kakhetelidze
29 ივლ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Poetics of Architecture at UM

On March 28 - April 1, 2022, Assoc. Prof. David Bostanashvili from GTU Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design visited University of Malta - UM (Msida, Malta) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered lecture course on Poetics of Architecture at the Department of Architecture and Town Planning. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. David Bostanashvili
28 ივლ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Transport Logistics of Georgia at KUT

On 20 - 24 June, 2022, Assist. Prof. David Japaridze from GTU Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering visited Koszalin University of Technology- KUT (Koszalin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered lecture course on transport logistics of Georgia and participated in international workshops organized at KUT. See the related mobility report presented by Assist. Prof. David Japaridze
28 ივლ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Re-engineering of Georgian Railways and Project Management Optimisation at VMU

On 5 - 12 December, 2021, Assist. Prof. David Japaridze from GTU Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering visited Vytautas Magnus University - VMU (Kaunas, Lithuania) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered lecture course on re-engineering of Georgian Railways and project management optimisation. See the related mobility report presented by Assist. Prof. David Japaridze
28 ივლ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Isotope Effects, Vibrational Properties of Nanobioparticles and Vibrational Spectroscopy at Paris-Saclay University

On 02.05.2022 - 04.06.2022, Prof. Paata Kervalishvili and Assoc. Prof. Tamar Berberashvili from GTU Department of Engineering Physics at the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Paris-Saclay University (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered lecture course on isotope effects, vibrational properties of nanobioparticles and vibrational spectroscopy. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Paata Kervalishvili and Assoc. Prof. Tamar Berberashvili
27 ივლ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Financial Reporting and Analysis, Financial Management, Audit and Taxes at Istanbul Bilgi University

On 13-17 June, 2022, Assoc. Prof. Natia Shengelia from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Istanbul Bilgi University (Istanbul, Turkey) within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities and delivered lecture course on financial reporting and analysis, financial management, audit and taxes. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. natia Shengelia
25 ივლ

University of Foggia - National Ph.D. Course in “Regulation, Management and Law of Public Sector Organizations”

The national Ph.D. course in “Regulation, Management and Law of Public Sector Organizations” is born and the first cycle is announced with 33 places, all financed by scholarship
25 ივლ

Erasmus+ - GTU Professor STT Mobility at Istanbul Bilgi University

From June 27 to July 1, 2022, Head of Quality Assurance Service of GTU Faculty of Law and International Relations Department, Prof. Mariam Jikia visited Istanbul Bilgi University (Istanbul, Turkey) within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Mariam Jikia
13 ივლ

Erasmus+ International Week - STA Mobility of the Professor of GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems at Junia ISEN Lille

On March 21-25, 2022, Catholic University of Lille - Junia ISEN Lille (Lille, France) hosted the Erasmus+ International Week - "Erasmus+ week, International Seminar on Internationalization, Innovation and Sustainable Development" where Prof. Mariam Chkhaidze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems has been successfully participated within Erasmus+ mobility project for academic activities. See the related mobility report presented by Prof. Mariam Chkhaidze
13 ივლ

Erasmus+ - GTU Representatives STT Mobility at Gazi University

On July 4-8, 2022, GTU representatives: a member of Technology and Grants Projects Office team Luka Kemoklidze, and Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia from the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanics Engineering visited Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey) within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia and Luka Kemoklidze

12 ივლ

Erasmus+ International Week - Lecture Course in Material Science at AKU

On 23-27 May, 2022, Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU) (Afyon, Turkey) hosted the Erasmus+ International Week, where Assoc. Prof. Tamar Loladze from GTU Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy has been successfully participated within Erasmus+ mobility project and delivered lecture course on material science. See the related mobility report presented by Assoc. Prof. Tamar Loladze
11 ივლ

Erasmus+ - STA Mobility of the Representatives of GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems at LUT

On 6 – 10 June, 2022, Prof. Lili Petriashvili and Assoc. Prof. Nino Topuria from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited Lublin University of Technology - LUT (Lublin, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities and took part in the International Staff Week organized by LUT
05 ივლ

Erasmus+ - GTU Representative STT Mobility at the University of Alcala

On 6 -11 June, 2022, the Head of the Department of Exam Processes and e-Learning Systems, Assoc. Prof. Tamari Kupreishvili (GTU Faculty of Law and International Relations) visited the University of Alcala (Alcala, Spain) within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities and participated in the International Staff week, organized by the Coordinator university

04 ივლ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on the Problems of Disinformation in the Media, at UVa

On 16-20 May, 2022, invited Prof. Zaza Tsotniashvili from GTU Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences visited University of Valladolid - UVa (Valladolid, Spain) under the Erasmus+ KA107 program for academic activities and delivered the lecture course on the problems of disinformation in the media
04 ივლ

Erasmus+ - Course on the Theory of Differential Equations and its applications in Mechanics at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow

On May 7 – 14, 2022, invited Prof. Giorgi Baghaturia from GTU Faculty of Civil Engineering visited the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow (Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility program for academic activities and delivered a course of lectures on the topics concerning the Theory of Differential Equations and its applications in Mechanics as well as participated in the II International Erasmus+ Staff Week
01 ივლ

Erasmus+ - GTU Representatives STT Mobility at UBI

On 23 - 27 May, 2022, GTU representatives: Prof. Ana Kobiashvili from the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems; Head of the Exam and e-learning recourses Center, Prof. Taliko Zhvania and Head of the department of exam processes and e-learning systems, Assoc. Prof. Tamari Kupreishvili visited Beira Interior University – UBI in Portugal under the Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities
30 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Management of Sociology at LUT

On 6-10 June 2021, Assist. Prof. Tinatin Tcharkhalashvili from GTU Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences, visited Lublin University of Technology – LUT (Lublin, Poland) within the framework of the Erasmus+ Exchange Project (KA107), for academic activities and conducted lectures on ''Management of Sociology" for the first-year students of the Faculty of Business and Management
29 ივნ

Erasmus+ International Week 2022 - STT Mobility of the Representative of GTU Faculty of Business Technology at VILNIUS TECH

On 9-13 May, 2022, Prof. Nino Kavtaradze from GTU Faculty of Business Technology (Department of Business Administration) participated in Erasmus+ International Staff Week organized by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - VILNIUS TECH (Vilnius, Lithuania) within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities, coordinated by VILNIUS TECH.
29 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Signal Processing, at WPUT

On June 6–10, 2022 Assoc. Prof. Nikoloz Abzianidze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited West Pomeranian University of Technology –WPUT, Szczecin (Poland), within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities and delivered the lecture course on “Signal Processing” for Erasmus Students studying at the WPUT Faculty of Electrical Engineering
29 ივნ

Erasmus+ - GTU Representatives at International Staff Training Week at UNITUS

On May 23-27, 2022, GTU representatives (from International Relations Department, Quality Assurance Service, Horizon Europe National Office and the Faculty of Civil Engineering) participated in Erasmus+ International Staff Training Week organized by the University of Tuscia – UNITUS (Viterbo, Italy), within Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by UNITUS
29 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Human Resource Management, at Lublin University of Technology

On 6 - 10 June, 2022, Assoc. Prof. Tamar Kajaia from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland) within Erasmus+ Mobility Project to carry out academic activities and delivered the lectures on Human Resource Management
28 ივნ

Erasmus+ - Course on Mathematics at the University of Keele

From 1 May to 29 May 2022, Prof. David Natroshvili, Head of the Department of Mathematics at GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited University of Keele (UK) within Erasmus+ mobility project to give a short course for undergraduate and doctoral students at the Department of Mathematics, and to work collaboratively with English colleagues
27 ივნ

6th Georgian-Polish International Scientific Conference “Transport Bridge Europe-Asia”

6th Georgian-Polish International Scientific Conference “Transport Bridge Europe-Asia”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of GTU, will be held in Tbilisi on September 26-28, 2022
17 ივნ

Erasmus+ - GTU Student Luka Zhvania Mobility at Junia ISA Lille

Postgraduate student Luka Zhvania from GTU Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Biosystems Engineering has been studying at Junia ISA Lille (France) within Erasmus+ mobility project, during the spring semester of 2021-2022 academic year
17 ივნ

Erasmus+ - GTU Student Antisa Vakhtangadze Mobility at Junia ISA Lille

Postgraduate student Antisa Vakhtangadze from GTU Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Biosystems Engineering has been studying at Junia ISA Lille (France) within Erasmus+ mobility project, during the spring semester of 2021-2022 academic year
31 მაი

Erasmus+ - GTU Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering Representative STT Mobility at UA

On May 1-7, 2022 Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia from the GTU Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering visited University of Alicante (Alicante, Spain) for training activities within the framework of Erasmus+ mobility project
13 მაი

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Human Resource Management, at Polytechnic University of Timisoara

On 2-5 May, 2022, Assoc. Prof. Tamar Kajaia from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Polytechnic University of Timisoara (Timisoara, Romania) within Erasmus+ Mobility Project to carry out academic activities and delivered the lectures on Human Resource Management
11 მაი

Erasmus+ International Week 2022 - Lecture Course on Information Theory and Channel Coding at KUAS

On March 7–11, 2022 Assoc. Prof. Catherine Abzianidze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems participated in the International Week 2022 conducted at Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences - KUAS (Kaunas, Lithuania) within the Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by KUAS and delivered the lecture course in Digital Communications, Information Theory and Channel Coding
10 მაი

Ukraine-based International Academic Journal "European Journal of Management Issues" - Call for Articles

Ukraine-based International Academic Journal "European Journal of Management Issues" is announcing the Call for scientific articles
04 მაი

Erasmus+ - GTU IRD Representative STT Mobility at KDU

On 28 March - 1 April, 2022, GTU representative from International Relations Department, Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili visited Kütahya Dumlupınar University - KDU (Kütahya, Turkey) for training activities within ongoing Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by KDU
03 მაი

Prof. Mireille Ducassé Working Visit at GTU

On April 7, 2022 Prof. Mireille Ducassé from INSA Rennes (Rennes, France) visited Georgian Technical University and had a working meeting at GTU International Relations Department with the representatives of GTU IRD and the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems
02 მაი

Erasmus+ - International Seminar at Junia ISA Lille

On March 21-25, 2022 Prof. Nino Lomidze from GTU Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and Biosystems Engineering participated in the International Seminar held within the framework of the ERASMUS+ mobility project organized by the project coordinator Junia ISA Lille (Lille, France)
19 აპრ

Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Human Resource Management at Istanbul Bilgi University

On 11-15 April, 2022, Assist. Prof. Nino Omanadze from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Istanbul Bilgi University (Istanbul, Turkey) within Erasmus+ Mobility Project to carry out academic activities აand delivered the lectures on current topics of Human Resource Management
18 აპრ

Fenerbahce University - II International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Education

On 21-22 October 2022, at Fenerbahce University (Istanbul, Turkey) will be held II International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Education
29 მარტ

“International Conference on Sustainability Analysis –Theoretical Perspectives and tools for Policy-makers, ICSA” 2022

On July 14-15 Sapienza University of Rome (Department of Social Sciences and Economics will hold a conference “International Conference on Sustainability Analysis –Theoretical Perspectives and tools for Policy-makers, ICSA” 2022
24 იან

I Conference in Business Research & Management (BR&M): Emerging Issues after COVID-19 Time

On May 26th-27th, 2022, the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Toledo, Spain) will host the 1st Conference in Business Research & Management (BR&M): Emerging Issues after COVID-19 Time, organized by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and the University of Castilla-La Mancha
22 დეკ

Erasmus+ - STT Mobility of GTU International Relations Department Representative at Istanbul Bilgi University

On December 6-10, 2021, Marika Zviadadze, Representative of the GTU International Relations Department visited Istanbul Bilgi University (Istanbul, Turkey) within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities, coordinated by Istanbul Bilgi University
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Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Tourism, at the University of Girona

On 8-12 November, 2021, GTU Professors Manana Vasadze and Nana Akhalaia from the Faculty of Business Technology carried out academic activities and delivered lecture course on tourism at the University of Girona (Spain) within Erasmus+ Mobility Project coordinated by the Spanish University
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Erasmus+ - STA Mobility of GTU Faculty of Business Technology Representative at Gazi University

On 4-8 October, 2021, Assoc. Prof. Tamar Kajaia from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey) within Erasmus+ Mobility Project to carry out academic activities at the project coordinator university and delivered the lectures on Human Resource Management issues
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Erasmus+ - STA Mobility of the Representative of GTU Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences at Polytechnic Institute of Beja

On 18-22 October 2021, lecturer Tinatin Tcharkhalashvili from GTU Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences visited Polytechnic Institute of Beja (Portugal) within Erasmus+ International Week on "Business Management, Tourism and Computer Science: Eastern European, Balkan and Mediterranean Perspectives" and delivered the lectures on the aspects of the Sociology of Management
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Erasmus+ - STT Mobility of GTU Faculty of Business Technology Representative at University of Beira Interior

On October 18-22, 2021, Assist. Prof. Darejan Tsutskiridze from GTU Faculty of Business Technology visited University of Beira Interior (Covilhia, Portugal) within the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility (KA107) project, for the purpose of training activities
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Erasmus+ - STA Mobility of GTU Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering Staff at Polytechnic Institute of Beja

On 25-29 October 2021, Assist. Prof. Tamar Sachaneli and Assist. Elene Sordia from GTU Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering visited Polytechnic Institute of Beja (Portugal) within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities and took part in the Meeting on Agriculture, Food Technology, and Environmental Engineering: Eastern European, Balkan and Mediterranean Perspectives
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Erasmus+ - GTU IRSO Representative STT Mobility at AKU

During the period of May 31 to June 4, 2021, GTU International Relations and Standards Office Chief Specialist, Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia visited Afyon Kocatepe University – AKU (Afyonkarahisar, Turkey) within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ Mobility (KA107) project, for the purpose of training activities
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Erasmus+ - GTU Associate Professor STA Mobility at RUT

On October 11–15, 2021 Assoc. Prof. Nikoloz Abzianidze from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems (Department of Telecommunications) visited Rzeszow University of Technology - RUT (Rzeszow, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities.
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Erasmus+ - STT Mobility of GTU Grants Office Representative at Instituto Politécnico de Beja

On October 18-22, 2021, Luka Kemoklidze, representative of the Grants Office at GTU International Relations Department visited Instituto Politécnico de Beja within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ Mobility (KA107) project, for the purpose of training activities
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Erasmus+ - GTU Professor STT Mobility at the University of Cordoba

From April 24 to May 1, 2021, GTU Professor Maiam Jikia, Head of Quality Assurance Service at the Faculty of Law and International Relations, visited University of Cordoba (Spain) within Erasmus+ Administrative Staff Mobility project, coordinated by the Spanish University
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International Scientific Conference 'Modern World Challenges: Regulating Human Rights, Social Security and Welfare in Contemporary Multicultural World"

On December 20-21, 2021, will be conducted online International Scientific Conference "Modern World Challenges: Regulating Human Rights, Social Security and Welfare in Contemporary Multicultural World'
01 ნოე

Erasmus+ - Course on Multimedia and Information Warfare at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

On 11-16 Ocober, 2021, GTU Professor Zaza Tsotniashvili (Faculty of Engineering Economic, Mediatechnology and Social Sciences) visited Salzburg University of Applied Sciences in Austria within Erasmus + Academic Staff Mobility Program, delivering the lectures on "Multimedia and Information Warfare"
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Project PRINTeL - VI Newsletter

Within the framework of the PRINTeL Project, the Project’s Sixth Newsletter has been issued
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Project PRINTeL - Final Dissemination Online Conference “Change in the Classroom"

On the 29th of September, 2021, at 9:00 AM Central European Summer (Brussels) Time, will be conducted ERASMUS+ PRINTeL final dissemination online conference “Change in the Classroom"
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Erasmus+ - Administrative Staff Mobility at NCU

On 21 to 25 of June 2021 Assistant Ilia Kunchulia from the GTU Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Biosystems Engineering has visited Polish Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (NCU) to conduct trainings within Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by NCU
01 სექ

Rzeszów University of Technology - on-line, free of charge, intensive courses for the students

The Rzeszów University of Technology - RUT (Rzeszów, Poland) offers to foreign bachelor and master students on-line, FREE OF CHARGE, intensive courses
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Project PRINTeL - Online Master Classes “Teachers in Digitalized Virtual Space”

On the 8th of September, 2021, will be conducted online Master Classes “Teachers in Digitalized Virtual Space” within Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project
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VI Scientific Conference “Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective”

On 13 -14 September 2021 at the Rzeszów University of Technology (Rzeszów, Poland) will be conducted VI Scientific Conference “Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective” organized by Ignacy Lukasiewicz Institute for Energy Policy and Rzeszów University of Technology
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Online Seminar on AGRIS and AGROVOC

On 25th of June, the Institute for Scientific and Technical Information -TECHINFORMI of GTU, as a National AGRIS Hub in Georgia organized an online seminar for the agricultural community of Georgia -“Increase the visibility and accessibility of the agricultural data produced in Georgia through the FAO AGRIS International information system and AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus”
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Project PRINTeL - VATL Virtual Academy for Teaching and Learning

Within the frame of Virtual Academy for Teaching and Learning (VATL) of the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project, 5 e-platforms are established for creating Virtual Communities of Teaching Practice around particular innovative teaching and learning (T&L) approaches
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Institute TECHINFORMI - online meeting “Increase the visibility and accessibility of the agricultural data produced in Georgia through the FAO AGRIS International information system and AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus”

On 25 of June, 2021, at 14:00, Institute TECHINFORMI is organizing  an online meeting on FAO AGRIS and AGROVOC thesaurus “Increase the visibility and accessibility of the agricultural data produced in Georgia through the FAO AGRIS International information system and AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus”

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Project PRINTeL - Tender for the Procurement of the Project Results Evaluation and the Project Financial Audit Services

Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project announces a Tender for the procurement of the project results evaluation and the project financial audit services
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Erasmus+ - Academic and Administrative Staff Mobility at PULS

On 17-21 May, 2021, GTU representatives from the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering (Prof. Giorgi Kvartskhava, Assist. Tamar Sachaneli) and International Relations and Standards Office (Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili) visited Poznan University of Life Sciences –PULS (Poznan, Poland) within ongoing Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by PULS, for teaching and training activities

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Project PRINTeL - I Annual T&L Forum “Issues and Perspectives of Digitally-Enhanced Teaching & Learning in Higher Education"

On the 20th of May, 2021, was conducted an online Webinar within Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project on the 1st annual Teaching & Learning Forum entitled “Issues and Perspectives of Digitally-Enhanced Teaching & Learning in Higher Education”
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Georgian Technical University Students Successful Erasmus+ Mobility at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja

GTU Erasmus+ students from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Biosystems Engineering, Levan Japaridze and Zezva Zviadadze have made the presentations about Georgia and GTU for Portuguese youth at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja)
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Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Designing Meaningful Online Learning"

On 26-28 April, 2021, Assoc. Prof. Manuchar Shishinashvili (Faculty of Civil Engineering) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Designing Meaningful Online Learning” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
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Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Online Learning Tools. The Importance of Online Learning during the Pandemic"

On 22-23 and 26th of April, 2021 Assoc. Prof. Nino Kholuashvili (Faculty of Law and International Relations, Department of Civil Law) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Online Learning Tools. The Importance of Online Learning during the Pandemic” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
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Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Video as a Learning Tool for Remote Emergency Teachers"

On 26-28 of April, 2021 Prof. Dali Sekhniashvili (Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Video as a Learning Tool for Remote Emergency Teachers” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
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On the 20th of May, 2021, at 12:00 pm, will be conducted a webinar within Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project on the 1st annual Teaching & Learning Forum entitled “ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES OF DIGITALLY-ENHANCED TEACHING & LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION”
09 მაი

Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Video as a Learning Tool for Remote Emergency Teachers"

On 26-28 of April, 2021 Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Biosystems Engineering) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Video as a Learning Tool for Remote Emergency Teachers” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
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Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Digitally Supported learning and the Digital Competence Framework for Teachers"

On April 23-25, 2021, Assist. Prof. Darejan Tsutskiridze (Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Digitally Supported Learning and the Digital Competence Framework for Teachers” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
07 მაი

Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Online Active Teaching & Learning: Experiences with Technology”

On the 5th, 9th and 13th of April, 2021, Assoc. Prof. Nikoloz Abzianidze (Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication, Department of Telecommunications) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Online Active Teaching and Learning: Experiences with Technology” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
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Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Online Active Teaching & Learning: Experiences with Technology”

On the 26th, 27th and 29th of April, 2021 Assoc. Prof. Tamar Loladze (Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Metal Treatment) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Online Active Teaching and Learning: Experiences with Technology” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
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Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course "Digitally Supported Learning and the Digital Competence Framework for Teachers"

On 26-28 April, 2021 Assoc. Prof. Liza Amilakhvari (Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Digitally Supported Learning and the Digital Competence Framework for Teachers” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
05 მაი

Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Video as a Learning Tool for Remote Emergency Teachers"

On 23-25 of April, 2021 Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze (Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Video as a Learning Tool for Remote Emergency Teachers” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
04 მაი

Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Designing Meaningful Online Learning"

On 19-21 of April, 2021 Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia (Faculty of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Designing Meaningful Online Learning” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
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Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Online Teaching Revisited”

On 23-25 of April, 2021 Prof. Zaza Tsotniashvili (Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Online Teaching Revisited” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
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Project PRINTeL - In-house OTT Course “Digitally Supported Learning and the Digital Competence Framework for Teachers”

On 10-12 of April, 2021 Assist. Prof. Tamar Kupreishvili (Faculty of Law and International Relations, Department of Politics and International Relations) carried out Online Teacher Training course “Digitally Supported Learning and the Digital Competence Framework for Teachers” in the framework of Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL, offering additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning (OT&L) awareness at GTU
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Project PRINTeL - Internal Online TT Courses at GTU

On April 5-29, 2021 in the framework of the EU Erasmus+ PRINTeL project, it is planned to conduct the other certified in-house Teacher Training (TT) courses on innovative methods of teaching and learning at Georgian Technical University in order to offer additional professional development opportunities for GTU academic staff
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Institute TECHINFORMI - National Hub of FAO AGRIS

Institute TECHINFORMI of the Georgian Technical University has become a national hub of the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
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Project PRINTeL - Working Meeting on Additional Activities to be Implemented

On the 17th of December was held another working meeting within Erasmus+ PRINTeL project conducted via the Zoom platform
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Project VitaGLOBAL - Online Workshop "University - Industry Cooperation: Georgian Case Studies"

On December 15 was conducted online workshop "University - Industry Cooperation: Georgian Case Studies" within Erasmus+ project VitaGLOBAL, organized by Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University and supported by Georgian Technical University
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Project VitaGLOBAL - Zoom Meeting Regarding Wine Tourism Module Development

On 21 November, was held Zoom meeting, where Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili from the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering conducted online presentation related to Erasmus+ VitaGLOBAL project and the syllabus developed under Module 2 (Wine Tourism) within the project
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Project VitaGLOBAL - Zoom Meeting Regarding Wine Tourism Module

On 21 November, at 17:00 pm, GTU Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering is organizing Zoom meeting regarding the VitaGLOBAL Project and the syllabus developed under Module 2 (Wine Tourism) and Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili will conduct the presentation to GTU students and academic and administrative personnel
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Project VitaGLOBAL - Partnership Meeting

On the 16th of November was held the Partnership Meeting within Erasmus+ VitaGLOBAL project conducted via the Zoom platform because of the Covid-19 pandemic (the 10th online meeting)
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Project VitaGLOBAL - Zoom Meeting at REEP Center

On 31 July was held Zoom meeting for Arlington (USA) Education and Employment Program (REEP) Center lecturers, where Assistant Tamar Sachaneli from GTU Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering conducted online presentation on Erasmus+ VitaGLOBAL project and the syllabus developed under Module 1 (New Tendencies in Microbiology, Wine Aging and Wine Safety) within the project
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Project PRINTeL - IV Coordination Meeting

On the 16th of November was held IV Coordination Meeting within Erasmus+ PRINTeL project conducted via the Zoom platform because of the Covid-19 pandemic
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Project VitaGLOBAL - Zoom Meeting Regarding Microbiology Module Development

On 9 November was held Zoom meeting, where Assistant Tamar Sachaneli from the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering conducted online presentation related to the syllabus developed under Module 1 (New Tendencies in Microbiology, Wine Aging and Wine Safety) within Erasmus+ VitaGLOBAL project
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Project VitaGLOBAL - Zoom Meeting Regarding Microbiology Module

On 9 November, at 19:00 pm, GTU Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering is organizing Zoom meeting regarding the syllabus developed under Module 1 (Microbiology) within Erasmus+ VitaGLOBAL project and Assistant Tamar Sachaneli will conduct the presentation to the students and GTU academic and administrative personnel
05 ნოე

Project PRINTeL - 5 Brochures on Innovative and Technology-Enhanced T&L

Five Brochures covering the main issues of innovative and technology-enhanced teaching and learning have been issued within the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project
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Project PRINTeL - Adoption of Teacher Training Courses at GTU

Up to 650 academic staff have been participating in Teacher Training courses promoting innovative teaching and learning, which were organized by the trained lecturers at GTU within Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project
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Eskişehir Technical University - Online/Virtual idRc2020 Congress “Resilience of/in Megacities”

On 13-15 October 2020 will be held online/virtual idRc2020 Congress “Resilience of/in Megacities” with the pioneership of Eskişehir Technical University
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GTU Institute Techinformi at 3rd Annual Meeting of AGRIS Community

On 2-3 July 2020, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) held the 3rd Annual Meeting of AGRIS (the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology) Community, where the Institute Techinformi of Georgian Technical University took part as the only national center of AGRIS in Georgia
07 ივლ

V World Congress on Engineering and Applications - WCEA – 2020

On 14 -16 December, 2020 at Hotel IBIS (Sukhumvit 4, Bangkok, Thailand) will be conducted 5th World Congress on Engineering and Applications (WCEA – 2020)

06 ივლ

ESN Tbilisi ISU - Information Meeting About ERASMUS + Exchange Programs

On 1st of July, ESN - Erasmus Student Network ESN Tbilisi ISU organized an online information meeting for ERASMUS+ exchange programs for Georgian Technical University students. The meeting was supported by the GTU International Relations and Standards Office
03 ივლ

Scholarship Program for Master of Science in Hydropower Development at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, through the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, offers four scholarships to Georgians who want to study Hydropower development at the master’s level at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, for two-year master programmes starting in 2021 and 2022
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Project PRINTeL - Teacher Training Course "Internet Resources for Distance Learning”

On June 20 - 21, 2020, in the framework of EU funded ERASMUS+ Program PRINTeL Project (#585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), offering additional opportunities for the Professors’ professional development, the trainer Associate Professor Nikoloz Abzianidze (Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunications), carried out the certified internal Teacher Training course “Internet Resources for Distance Learning” promoting innovative teaching and learning
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Project PRINTeL - Teacher Training Course “Hybrid/Blended Learning and Teaching Role in Pandemics”

On June 10-11, 2020, in the framework of EU funded ERASMUS+ Program PRINTeL Project (#585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), offering additional opportunities for the Professors’ professional development, Associate Professor Nino Kholuashvili (Faculty of Law and International Relations, Department of Private Law) carried out the certified internal Teacher Training course “Hybrid/Blended Learning and Teaching Role in Pandemics”, promoting innovative teaching and learning
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Project PRINTeL - Teacher Training Course “Hybrid/Blended Learning and Teaching Role in Pandemics”

On June 11 -12, 2020, in the framework of EU funded ERASMUS+ Program PRINTeL Project (#585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), offering additional opportunities for the Professors’ professional development, Associate Professor Zaza Tsotniashvili (Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences/ Department of Media Technology) carried out the certified internal Teacher Training course “Hybrid/Blended Learning and Teaching Role in Pandemics”, promoting innovative teaching and learning
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Project PRINTeL - Teacher Training Course “Video - Using in Higher Educational Institutions”

On June 5 - 6, 2020, in the framework of EU funded ERASMUS+ Program PRINTeL Project (#585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), offering additional opportunities for the Professors’ professional development, the trainer Professor Nino Chkhartishvili (Faculty of Agricultural science and Biosystems Engineering) carried out the certified internal Teacher Training course “Video - Using in Higher Educational Institutions”, promoting innovative teaching and learning
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Project PRINTeL - Teacher Training Course “The Use of Video in the Classroom”

On June 5 - 6, 2020, in the framework of EU funded ERASMUS+ Program PRINTeL Project (#585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), offering additional opportunities for the Professors’ professional development, the trainer Associate Professor Dali Sekhniashvili (Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences), carried out the certified internal Teacher Training course “The Use of Video in the Classroom” promoting innovative teaching and learning
05 ივნ

Project PRINTeL - Teacher Training Course “Use of Modern Communication Technologies in Distance Learning”

On May 30-31, 2020 in the framework of EU funded ERASMUS+ Program PRINTeL Project (#585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), offering additional opportunities for the Professors’ professional development, Associate Professor Tamar Loladze (Faculty of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy) carried out the certified internal Teacher Training Course “Use of Modern Communication Technologies in Distance Learning” promoting innovative teaching and learning
03 ივნ

Project PRINTeL - Teacher Training Course "The Integration of the Modern Technology in the Active Learning”

On 31st of May and 1st of June, 2020, in the framework of EU funded ERASMUS+ Program PRINTeL Project (#585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), offering additional opportunities for the Professors’ professional development, Assistant Professor Tamar Kupreishvili (Faculty of Law and International Relations, Department of Politics and International Relations) carried out the certified internal Teacher Training Course “The Integration of the Modern Technology in the Active Learning” promoting innovative teaching and learning
03 ივნ

The V Round of Youth Essay Prize Competition

The fifth round of Youth Essay Prize Competition is announced, inviting young (under 30 years) citizens of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to submit essays of up to 3,000 words in English on any topic relevant to the Association Agreements & DCFTAs of their countries with the EU
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Project Creative Spark - "Big Idea Challenge 2020" Completion at GTU

On May 28, British Council funded programme “Creative Spark” global competition “Big Idea Challenge 2020” has been completed and the concluding online meeting was held at GTU, where the winner team was announced
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Erasmus+ SUT International Staff Training Week 2020 "Internationalisation of Higher Education - Perspectives of International Learning"

On October 19 – 23, 2020 at Silesian University of Technology – SUT (Gliwice, Poland) will be conducted SUT International Staff Training Week 2020 "Internationalisation of Higher Education - Perspectives of International Learning"

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Bialystok University of Technology - Online International Web Conference - CHEC 2020

On June 9-10, 2020 will be conducted online International Web Conference on Changes in Cooperation and Higher Education 2020 - CHEC 2020, organized by Bialystok University of Technology
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Erasmus+ - Working Meeting with UVa Delegation

On 17 September, 2019, at Iliauni was conducted working meeting between the representatives of Erasmus+ ICM project coordinator University of Valladolid – UVa (Spain) and Georgian partner universities, where GTU International Relations and Standards Office representatives participated
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Erasmus+ Project VitaGLOBAL - Workshop at SU

On 25-29 February, 2020 at Stellenbosch University – SU (Stellenbosch, South Africa) was held the 4th working meeting within Erasmus+ project VitaGLOBAL - A Global Network for Agricultural Sciences and Viniviticulture: Internationalising through Joint Programmes

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Erasmus+ - GTU Representatives Working Visit at KUT

On 3-7 June, 2019 the representatives of GTU International Relations and Standards Office and the 
Faculty of Transportation and Mechanical engineering visited Koszalin University of Technology
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Project HERD - R&D Seasonal School at Iliauni

On 2-6 February, 2020, at Ilia State University was held R&D Seasonal School within Erasmus+ HERD project, where GTU (as the project consortium member university) representatives took active part
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II year Project "Creative Spark" - Study Visit at Keele University

On 1-8 March, GTU Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia paid a study visit to Keele University GBritish Council Grant Program “Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Program” 2nd year project
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Project PRINTeL - Training Course on Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom and OER in Innovative Pedagogy

On 27-28 February, 2020 at GTU was held another certified training course on the development of innovative pedagogy - “Method of Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom and Open Educational Resources (OER) in Innovative Pedagogy” within project PRINTeL
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by UPT

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2020-2021 academic year at Università Politecnica di Timișoara - UPT
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by VMU

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2020-2021 academic year at Vytautas Magnus University - VMU
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UST scholarships - 2020/21 Academic Year Fall Semester

University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea announces scholarships for Fall Semester 2020 and Summer Global Research Internship program
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XI International Conference of Political Economy - ICOPEC 2020

On 24-26 June, 2020, at the Marmara University in Istanbul (Turkey), will be conducted the 11th International Conference of Political Economy - ICOPEC 2020 
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by UNIVAQ

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at University of L'Aquila – UNIVAQ
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RUT International XXIV Fluid Mechanics Conference - KKMP2020

On 1-3 July, 2020 at I. Lukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology (Rzeszów, Poland) will be conducted International XXIV Fluid Mechanics Conference - KKMP2020
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Project “Creative Spark" - the Second “GTU Entrepreneur’s Day”

On December 25,2019, at Georgian Technical University, was held the second “GTU Entrepreneur’s Day”, organized by GTU Innovations Center, within the framework of the project “Creative Spark: Entrepreneurial Education Program for Higher Education” 2nd year project
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Erasmus+ - II International Staff Training Week “Civic Universities and Sustainable Development”

On 11 -13 May, 2020  at the University of L’Aquila - UNIVAQ (Italy) will be conducted the Erasmus+ II International Staff Training Week “Civic Universities and Sustainable Development”
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Erasmus+ - International Staff Training Week

On 17 - 21 February, 2020 at the University of Cordoba - UCO (Spain) will be conducted international ERASMUS Staff Training Week for administrative staff 2020
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ERASMUS+ - International Staff Training Week 2020 at Geisenheim University

On 04-08 May, 2020 at Geisenheim University (Germany) will be held Erasmus+ International Staff Training Week 2020 focused on Erasmus+ program (International Credit Mobility)
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Project “Creative Spark" - ToT on “Innovations and Entrepreneurship Programs in Higher Educational Institutions”

On 19-21  November, 2019, at GTU was held a certificated Training of Trainers (ToT) on “Innovations and Entrepreneurship Programs in Higher Educational Institutions” within the British Council project “Creative Spark: Entrepreneurial Education Program for Higher Education”
06 დეკ

International Journal of Social and Educational Sciences USBED

International Journal of Social and Educational Sciences USBED announces the call for the submission of articles in the fields of the Social Sciences, Educational Sciences and Theology disciplines for the next volume
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ERASMUS+ - Research Assistant Emre Karabulutoğlu form AKU at GTU

On 25-29 November Research Assistant Emre Karabulutoğlu from Afyon Kocatepe University visited Georgian Technical University for training activities within ERASMUS+ mobility project coordinated by AKU
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Erasmus+ - International Week “Collaboration for Future: from Technology to Personal relationship!" at KAUKO

On 23-27 March 2020 Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences (Kaunas, Lithuania) is organizing the International Week “Collaboration for Future: from Technology to Personal relationship!"
04 დეკ

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Program - Coordinator's Conference Kick-off Meeting

On November 18-19, 2019, GTU Assoc. Prof. Emzar Pazhava from the Faculty of Engineering Economics, Media Technology and Social Sciences participated in Coordinator's Conference Kick-off meeting in Brussels within Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program grant project
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Erasmus+ - GTU Professor at UBI International Staff Week

On October 14-19, 2019, Prof. Zaza Tsiramua from GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems visited the University of Beira Interior within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities and successfully participated in Erasmus+ International Staff Week
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Project PRINTeL - International Conference Workshop and III Coordination Meeting at ISU

On 13-14 November 2019 at Ilia State University was held an International Conference Workshop and III Coordination Meeting within Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project
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Erasmus+ - Representative of IUAV at GTU

On 29 October – 5 November Dr. Vittorio De Battisti Besi from IUAV University of Venice visited Georgian Technical University within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities, coordinated by IUAV
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Erasmus+ - GTU Representatives at Constantine Philosophy University in Nitra

On 4-8 November, 2019 Assoc. Prof. Nikoloz Abzianidze and Dr. Nikoloz Bregvadze from GTU International Relations and Standards office visited Constantine the Philosopher University (CPU) in Nitra within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities, coordinated by the Slovakian University
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Project PRINTeL - ToT Course on the Development of OER at KU Leuven

On October 15-17, at KU Leuven was conducted ToT course on the Development of Open Educational Resources (OER) within the Erasmus+ PRINTeL project, where GTU representatives had been actively participating
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Project HERD - Study Visit at UNS

On October 7-11, 2019 at the Université Côte d'Azur – UNS (Nice, France) was conducted study visit within Erasmus+ project HERD, the main goal of which was to better understand the R&D strategy of French partner university
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Erasmus+ Project VitaGLOBAL - Workshops at UCH and UTalca

On 9-12 October, 2019,  at the Universities of Chile (Universidad de Chile – UCH) and Talca (Universidad de Talca – UTalca) (Santiago, Chile) was held the third meeting within Erasmus+ project VitaGLOBAL - “A Global Network for Agricultural Sciences and Viniviticulture: Internationalising through Joint Programmes”
03 ოქტ

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by UPT

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Università Politecnica di Timișoara - UPT
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by WHZ

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at University of Applied Sciences Zwickau – WHZ 
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Project HERD - Official Website

Erasmus+ Project HERD official website is launched
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by WPUT

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at West Pomeranian University of Technology – WPUT
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by RUT

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Ignacy Lukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology - RUT
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by VMU

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Vytautas Magnus University - VMU
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by Montpellier SupAgro

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Montpellier SupAgro
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by SUT

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Silesian University of Technology – SUT
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Project PRINTeL - Tender Announcement for Equipment Procurement - 2

EU funded Erasmus+ PRINTeL project announces tenders procurement of equipment for creating Technology-enhanced Active Learning Classrooms and Multimedia Lecture Capture Studios in project partnear universities of Armenia, Georgia and Belarus
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Jean Monnet Programme - Project “The Idea of Europe and Georgia’s European Integration”

GTU Assoc. Prof. Emzar Pazhava became the winner of the “Jean Monnet” competition in 2019
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UST scholarships - 2019/20 Academic Year Spring Semester

University of Science and Technology, Korea (UST) announces scholarships for 2019 - 2020 Academic Year Spring Semester
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Erasmus+ - Course on Surface Engineering and Experiment Planning

On 17-21 June Prof. Krzystof Rokosz from Koszalin University of Technology visited Georgian Technical University within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities, coordinated by KUT
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Erasmus+ - Course on Burnishing Rolling Process and Experiment Planning

On 22- 26 July Prof. Agnieszka Kulakowska from Koszalin University of Technology visited Georgian Technical University within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities, coordinated by KUT
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Erasmus+ - Representative of UVa at GTU

On 15-20 May, 2019 Prof. Manuel Barrio from the University of Valladolid had been visiting Georgian Technical University within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities, coordinated by UVa
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by UBI

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at University of Beira Interior - UBI
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by UVa

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at University of Valladolid - UVa
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Erasmus+ - Course on E-learning Methodology and Related Issues at UKF

On May 9-17, GTU Professors Tamar Lominadze and Ia Mosashvili from the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems, visited the Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia) within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities coordinated by UKF
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Erasmus+ - Representatives of the Constantine Philosophy University in Nitra at GTU

On 10-14 June 2019, the representatives of the Constantine Philosophy University in Nitra, Prof. Ivana Turekova and Assoc. Prof. Peter Barchka have been visiting Georgian Technical University within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities, coordinated by the Slovakian University
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Erasmus+ - Course on 3D OpenGL Graphic Programming and Related Issues

On 24-28 May, Prof. Samoej Slawomir from Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland) visited Georgian Technical University within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities, coordinated by RUT
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Erasmus+ - Course on Quantum Information Technology at UNIWA

On June 24-28, Prof. Paata Kervalishvili from Engineering Physics Department visited University of West Attica within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities, coordinated by UNIWA
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Project ECOMODE - Meeting at the Faculty of Business Technology

On 5 July at GTU Faculty of Business Technology was conducted informational meeting within ERASMUS+ Project ECOMODE
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Project PRINTeL - Monitoring Visit at GTU

On June 26, Erasmus+ PRINTeL project management team from Yerevan State University conducted working meeting at Georgian Technical University in order to monitor the progress of the PRINTeL project at GTU
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Project HERD - Workshop on Research and Development Strategy at BSU

On June 26-28, 2019 at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University was held a three-days training in Research and Development Strategy based on the shared experience from the University of Côte d'Azur – UCA (France) within Erasmus+ HERD project
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Erasmus+ - Course on Georgian Viticulture - Winemaking, Technological Characteristics, Approaches in the Field at UNIMI

On 2-8 June Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili, Acting Head of the Viticulture and Oenology Department of GTU Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Bio-systems Engineering visited University of Milan within  Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities coordinated by UNIMI
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Erasmus+ - Course on social psychology and business psychology at Aalen University

On 11 – 18 May, GTU lecturer Ketevan Telia from the Faculty of Engineering Economics, Media Technology and Social Science visited Aalen University within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities, coordinated by Aalen University
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II Erasmus+ International Mobility Week 2019 - University of West Attica

On May 20-24, GTU Professors from Engineering Physics Department had been participating at the II Erasmus+ International Mobility Week 2019 conducted at the University of West Attica
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Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”

On 16-17 May, within the framework of Erasmus+ project PRINTeL, at Yerevan State University was conducted International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges” dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of YSU, where GTU representatives took active part as the representatives of project consortium member university
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Erasmus+ - Course on Effective Operation of Motor Transport and the Fundamentals of Engineering Electronics at LUT

On May 20–24, Prof. Otar Gelashvili, Dean of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering Faculty and Assoc. Prof. Nikoloz Abzianidze, Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, visited Lublin University of Technology within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities coordinated by LUT
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Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation Competition

On May 3 at Georgian Technical University was conducted the final round of the first GTU Innovation Competition within the framework of EU funded Erasmus+ project InnoCENS
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Project PRINTeL - Tender Announcement for Equipment Procurement

EU funded Erasmus+ PRINTeL project announces tenders procurement of equipment for creating Technology-enhanced Active Learning Classrooms and Multimedia Lecture Capture Studios in project partnear universities of Armenia, Georgia and Belarus
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Erasmus+ - Course on Electrical Circuit Analysis at RUT

On May 20-24, 2019, Prof. Simon Nemsadze from GTU Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication visited Ignacy Lukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities, coordinated by RUT
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Project Creative Spark - Big Idea Challenge

International Pitch Competition – BIG IDEA CHALLENGE preliminary round was held at GTU within the project “CREATIVE SPARK: Higher Education Enterprise Programme”
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Staff Week in Roma

The International Office of Sapienza University of Rome is pleased to invite administrative staff to the Staff Week, which will take place in Rome from October 7th to October 11th, 2019. This staff week will provide the participants with the unique opportunity to learn more about Sapienza University, about the management of some specific Erasmus+ sub-programmes, share success stories and best practices with other colleagues.
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United Nations Initiative - Summer Of Solutions

Georgian Technical university’s students are invited to participate in the Summer Of Solutions United Nations initiative in September, 2019
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by UBI

On October 14 – 18, 2019 at the University of Beira Interior at Covilhã will be conducted Erasmus+ International Staff Training Week 2019 - "Reinforce Cooperation, Create Opportunities"
24 მაი

IJBDM Special Issue “Improving Agriculture Productivity and Sustainability through Big Data Management”

The deadline for the manuscripts submission for the Journal of Big Data Management (IJBDM) special issue “Improving Agriculture Productivity and Sustainability through Big Data Management” is prolonged till 18.07.19
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Erasmus+ Project ECOMODE

Erasmus+ Project ECOMODE Dissemination Activities at GTU
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Erasmus+ Project VitaGLOBAL - Workshop at U.PORTO

On 1-3 May, 2019 at University of Porto - U.PORTO (Porto, Portugal) was held the second meeting within Erasmus+ project VitaGLOBAL  - A Global Network for Agricultural Sciences and Viniviticulture: Internationalising through Joint Programmes”
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Erasmus+ - Representatives of the University of West Attica at GTU

On 15-19 April, 2019, the representatives of the University of West Attica Mr. Konstantinos Papatheodosiou, Mr. Christos Tsitsis and Ms. Eirini-Athina Vatou have been visiting Georgian Technical University within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities, coordinated by the University of West Attica
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Erasmus+ - Administrative Staff Training Visit at UNIFG

On 25 February – 1 March, 2019, Ms. Marika Zviadadze, the Head of International Relations Group at GTU International Relations and Standards Office visited the University of Foggia – UNIFG within ERASMUS+ KA1 mobility project coordinated by UNIFG
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Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences - International Summer School “From idea to investment”

On 1-6 July 2019 at Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences will be conducted International Summer School “From idea to investment”
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Erasmus+ - Course on the Theory of Fuzzy Sets at RUT

On March 25-29, Head of GTU Department of Computational Mathematics, Prof. Teimuraz Tsabadze (Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems) visited Rzeszow University of Technology within Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by RUT
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Active Learning and ICT-enhanced Teaching: M-learning and Gamification

On 4-9 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Teacher Training course on Active Learning and ICT-enhanced Teaching: M-learning and Gamification by Assoc. Prof. Nikoloz Abzianidze, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning

On 11-15 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Training course on Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning by Prof. Zaza Tsotniashvili, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning

On 11-15 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Training course on Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning by Assist. Prof. Nino Kholuashvili, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Active Learning and ICT-enhanced Teaching: M-learning and Gamification

On 4-9 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Teacher Training course on Active Learning and ICT-enhanced Teaching: M-learning and Gamification by Assoc. Prof. Tamar Loladze, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers & Students

On 21-26 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Teacher Training course on Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers & Students by Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers & Students

On 4-9 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Teacher Training course on Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers & Students by Assoc. Prof. Dali Sekhniashvili, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhance Collaborating Learning

On 4-9 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Teacher Training course on Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhance Collaborating Learning Method by Assist. Prof. Tamar Kupreishvili, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers & Students

On 4-9 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Teacher Training course on Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers & Students by Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhance Collaborating Learning

On 4-9 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Teacher Training course on Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhance Collaborating Learning Method by Assist. Prof. Darejan Tsutskiridze, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom

On 11-15 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Teacher Training course on Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom Method by Assoc. Prof. Manuchar Shishinashvili, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL Internal TT Courses - Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom

On 11-15 March, 2019 at Georgian Technical University was conducted Training course on Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom Method by Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia, within Erasmus+ Project PRINTeL
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Project PRINTeL - 1st e-Newsletter

Erasmus+ project PRINTeL’s 1st e-Newsletter is published
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by UVa

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at University of Valladolid - UVa
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by VGTU

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - VGTU
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by POLIMI

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Polytechnic University of Milan - POLIMI
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by POLIBA

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Polytechnic University of Bari - POLIBA
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by UBI

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at University of Beira Interior - UBI
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by Hochschule Aalen

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Aalen University of Applied Sciences - Hochschule Aalen
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by UPV/EHU

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU
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Erasmus+ - AKU Research Scientists Mobility Activities for Training at GTU

On 11-15 March Research Assistants Recep Kurtulus and Cansu Kurtulus from Afyon Kocatepe University visited Georgian Technical University for training activities within Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by AKU
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Erasmus+ - Course on Architecture Issues

On 4-8 February, 2019 Dr. Rafal Mazur from Ignacy Lukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology - RUT visited Georgian Technical University for teaching activities within Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by RUT
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Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project Coordinated by IUAV

Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Project for the 1st semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Universitá Iuav di Venezia – IUAV
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Erasmus+ - Administrative Staff Training Visit at RUT

On March 18-22, 2019, Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili, Deputy Head of GTU International Relations and Standards Office visited Rzeszów University of Technology - RUT (Rzeszów, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities coordinated by RUT
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Erasmus+ Project VitaGLOBAL - Kick Off Meeting at UNCuyo

On 18-21 February, at Universidad Nacional de Cuyo – UNCuyo (Mendoza, Argentina) was held the Kick off Meeting within Erasmus+ project VitaGLOBAL - “A Global Network for Agricultural Sciences and Viniviticulture: Internationalising through Joint Programmes”
01 მაი

Erasmus+ - II International Week at UVa

On 16-20 April, 2018 at the University of Valladolid - UVa (Valladolid, Spain) was conducted II Erasmus+ International Week, where GTU took part as the project partner University
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Project EANET - Moldovan Partners Dissemination and Knowledge Transferring Events

Events, organized by Tempus project EANET moldovan partners to disseminate and share EANET learnings and experience
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Project EANET - International Highlight Event at Ilia State University

On 15-16 May, GTU representatives took part in the International Highlight Event organized by Ilia State University within Tempus project EANET
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Project EANET - Training Workshop on New Taxation Model

On April 5-7, at Georgian Technical University was conducted training workshop on new taxation model - Estonian model of corporate income tax, organized by GTU Entrepreneur Alumni Reunion (GEAR)
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Project EANET - Strategy Workshop for the Ministries

On 20-22 March, GTU representatives took part in the Strategy Workshop for the Ministries conducted at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) within Tempus project EANET, regarding building and facilitating entrepreneurship ecosystems for start up and scale up entrepreneurship
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Project EANET - Tips for Young Entrepreneurs

Recommendations for young entrepreneurs from successful alumni entrepreneurs
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Project EANET - StartupCity Presentation

In compliance with Tempus EANET project's objective on connecting the startup ecosystems world wide, was conducted the presentation of the book "StartupCity" designed to provide administrators, civil servants and public-private initiatives with the guidance on how they can think and work as a startup
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Prof. Grzegorz Raczka from Poznan University of Life Sciences at GTU

On February 09-10 Prof. Grzegorz Raczka from Poznan University of Life Sciences (Poland) visited Georgian Technical University in order to discuss co-operation details in Erasmus+ frames.
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Project EANET - Sustainability Training at the Profund Innovation

On 23-26 January, GTU representatives took part in the Sustainability Training conducted at the Profund Innovation of the Freie Universität within Tempus project EANET
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FEP 2016

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Faculty Exchange Program In Agricultural Economics, Marketing, and Agribusiness Management is accepting applications for the 2016 program
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Borlaug Fellowship Program for Georgia

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is pleased to announce the 2016 Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program (Borlaug Fellowship Program) for Georgia
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News for EUA Members and Partners

News for EUA Members and Partners (01.11.10)
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News for EUA

News for EUA Members and Partners (21.09.10)

Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University - Qualification Enhancement Program for Pedagogical Workers "Distance Education: Innovative Methods and Digital Technologies"

On 29 June - 31 July 2020 at Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University (Nowy Sacz, Poland) will be conducted online Qualification enhancement program for pedagogical workers "Distance education: Innovative methods and digital technologies"

Linnaeus University International Staff Training

On May 11-15, 2020 the 8th edition of Linnaeus University International Staff Training will take place

News 1 - 420 of 420
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