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Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation Competition

06/16/2019 Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation CompetitionFirst Innovation Competition was conducted at Georgian Technical University within the framework of EU funded Erasmus+ project InnoCENS.

The call of the competition was announced in December, 2018. Application submission deadline was on April 30, 2019.

In total, 52 applications were submitted. By the decision of the project organizational group, 19 business ideas were qualified to the final stage based on the relevant evaluation criteria.

Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation CompetitionPrior to the final stage, two-day training were conducted for competition participants by certified trainers, trained in the project consortium member European universities. Training at GTU included group and individual works. Participants developed their business ideas using Canvas Business Model with the help of the moderators and presented the results of two-day works as a five-minute presentation to jury members. The jury was completed by GTU Academic and Administrative Staff, as well as by the representatives of different business organizations. All participants received certificates. It is also noteworthy, that the authors of these business ideas have also been advised to submit their ideas to the competitions within other projects.

Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation CompetitionThe evaluation criteria were: Novelty or Innovation in the Business Model, Commercial participate in international competitionPotential, Social Impact, Quality of the Business-plan and Quality of the Pitch. These criteria were determined by the relevant commission of the project consortium.

The final competition was held on May 3, 2019 in full compliance with all the basic requirements. The winner was announced during the final event. The winner will receive full financial support to travel to Valencia to participate in the international competition during 11-14 September, 2019.

Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation CompetitionBy the decision of jury, the winner of GTU Innovation Competition has become an idea “Children for Children” and its author Irakli Svanidze. The idea is to create special application-game that will have a social impact and raise awareness in children on the topics such as environmental protection, animal care, healthy lifestyle, learning-education, law-abiding, etc. The application is being processed with about 100 different storylines already developed.

Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation CompetitionGeorgian Technical University is participating in the project as the consortium member university. GTU students, staff (academic and administrative) and graduates with innovative entrepreneurial ideas, willing to share their ideas as real business proposals were able to participate in the Innovation Competition. Participants were able to present their business ideas individually, as well as in groups.

Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation CompetitionThe purpose of the competition was to encourage innovations and development of new technologies, to create interest in commercialization of scientific researches in the university environment and to help individuals who have innovative business ideas, with a lack of experience and insufficient know-how or financial means to develop them.

As it was already mentioned, winner will participate in international competition, that will be held in Valencia, in September 2019. The winner of this international competition will receive a cash prize and participate in the award ceremony in Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) in December 2019.

Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation CompetitionThe competition project is fully funded by project InnoCENS (Enhacing Innovation Competences and Entrepreneurial Skills in Engineering Education).

It is noteworthy that Project InnoCENS is coordinated by Swedish Royal Institute of Technology – KTH. The main objective of the project is to enhance innovation competences and entrepreneurial skills in engineering education through university-business cooperation in order to support creation of new enterprises, new jobs and economic growth in the partner countries: Georgia, Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Georgian Technical University is a Local Coordinator of the project in Georgia. The institutional coordination of the project at Georgian Technical University is carried out by GTU International Relations and Standards Office. GTU Innovations Competition is being conducted under the aegis of GTU Innovations Center, which was founded within institutional development component of the project InnoCENS, based on the decision of GTU Academic Council.

Project InnoCENS - Final round of GTU Innovation CompetitionThe main partners of the competition at Georgian Technical University are GTU Students’ Self-Government and Department of Social Issues, Sports and Culture.

For any additional information about the competition, please contact GTU Innovations Center (International Relations and Standards Office. Administrative building, 2nd floor, room 221 or 223) or Students’ Self-government.


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