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Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Re-engineering of Georgian Railways and Project Management Optimisation at VMU

07/28/2022 Within the framework of the International academic Staff Mobility Program of the Erasmus + KA-107 project, Davit Japaridze, assistant professor at the Academic Department of Transport and Industry Management of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering of Georgian Technical University, visited the Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) – Lithuania, with the purpose of teaching during July 5-12, 2021.

Young Georgian Assistant Professor delivered a course of lectures at the faculty of Bioeconomy. The topic of the course was related to the re-engineering of Georgian Railways and project management optimisation. During the lectures, he discussed the potential of the Georgian Railway and existing challenges in this regard with the students.

During the mobility visit Assist. Prof. Japaridze had working meetings with Daen Assoc. Prof. dr. Aida Adamavičienė, Erasmus + Institutional Coordinator Prof. Eglė Januškevičienė, as well as Head of the Department of Business and Rural Development Management Assoc. Prof. Milita Vienažindienė. At the meetings, ongoing research and educational processes at both universities and the perspectives for new joint research project implementation were discussed.

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