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Project HERD - R&D Seasonal School at Iliauni

03/12/2020 On 2-6 February, 2020, at Ilia State University was held R&D Seasonal School within Erasmus+ HERD (Raising Research Capacity of Georgian HEIs through Developing R&D Units) project.

More than 30 representatives of the project consortium member Georgian HEIs (12 HEIs) as well as French Université Côte d'Azur and Clermont Auvergne University participated in R&D Seasonal School led by TU Dresden.

The following issues were discussed during the R&D Seasonal School:

Day 1, 3rd Feb 2020: General workshop info, identification of status quo and individual goals for the workshop

Day 2, 4th Feb 2020: From project idea to the project proposal: Preconditions and parameters which affect a successful project

Day 3, 5th Feb 2020: Applying for projects in Horizon2020: Basics and strategies

Day 4, 6th Feb 2020: General conditions, structure, tasks, and strategies for setting up a research support unit.

At the event GTU was represented by Assoc. Prof. Nikoloz Abzianidze, Coordinator of Foreign Citizens Enrollment Procedures (International Relations and Standards Office) and Prof. Zaza Tsiramua, Head of Computer Network Management Center (Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems).

For more detailed information about the project please, visit HERD project website and GTU International Relations and Standards Office website.

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