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Erasmus+ - Administrative Staff Training Visit at RUT

04/01/2019 On March 18-22, 2019, Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili, Deputy Head of GTU International Relations and Standards Office visited Rzeszów University of Technology - RUT (Rzeszów, Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities coordinated by RUT.

Ms. Nino Zhizhilashvili took part in RUT “International Day” and delivered the presentation about Georgia, GTU International Relations and Standards Office activities as well as the students recruitment procedures and the benefits of Erasmus+ mobility for students.


During the mobility stay in RUT, Assist. Prof. Zhizhilashvili met foreign colleagues from Brazil and Kazakhstan, who had been visiting RUT within Erasmus+ teaching and training activities as well: Prof. Guilherme Jorge Brigolini Silvę  and Prof. Paulo Santos Assisa from Federal University of Ouro Preto and Ms. Assel Baydildaeva from Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Department at Taraz State University named by M.Kh. Dulati. 
During the meeting at RUT Department of International Cooperation, Erasmus+ programme coordinators, Ms. Monika Stanisz and Ms. Joanna Ruszel talked about RUT structure, discussed the procedures related to students and staff recruitment, selection, mobility and recognition. Polish, Brazilian, Kazakh and Georgian colleagues shared their experience and good practices in this regard. 

Erasmus+ mobility participants became acquainted with modern laboratories at RUT Faculty of Civil Engineering.

Prof. Grzegorz Ostasz, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Ms. Edyta Ptaszek, Head of Department of International Cooperation met foreign guests as well. At working meeting were discussed higher education systems and ongoing processes in Poland, Georgia, Brazil and Kazakhstan. The possibilities of joint research projects implementation were considered as well.


Mobility programme covered socio-cultural activities, including Rzeszów sightseeing organized by Ms. Monika Stanisz and Ms. Joanna Ruszel.

It should be noted that Rzeszow University of Technology’s history dates from 1951, when the Engineering School was opened following the initiative of the employees of Rzeszow PZL factory, organised into the Association of Polish Engineers and Technicians.  

The University has an enrollment of 17 000 students at 6 faculties and 24 courses of study. Three faculties: the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering have the right to confer a university degree of PhD in Technology, and the Faculty of Chemistry PhD in Chemistry. 

The University participates in the Erasmus programme and maintains bilateral exchanges both university-wide and for particular faculties. Apart from research, the University takes part in regional affairs and development schemes. 

All of the aforementioned activities serve to reinforce the importance of the University’s instruction and research. The University strives to preserve the best of its traditions while promoting innovation in order to better equip tomorrow’s graduates with the means to rise to the new millennium’s social, economic and cultural challenges.

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