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Erasmus+ - Academic and Administrative Staff Mobility at PULS

05/30/2021 On 17-21 May, 2021, GTU representatives from the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering and International Relations and Standards Office visited Poznan University of Life Sciences –PULS (Poznan, Poland) within ongoing Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by PULS.

Prof. Giorgi Kvartskhava (Dean of the Faculty), Assist. Tamar Sachaneli and Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili (Deputy Head of IRSO) took part in the mobility for teaching and training activities at PULS.

Prof. Kvartskhava and Assist. Sachaneli delivered online presentations and lectures for PULS students and academic staff of the Department of Biotechnology and Food Microbiology at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition hosted by Prof. Bożena Danyluk.

The lectures were related to the microbiological aspects of Georgian bread, wine and cheese production as well as the challenges of food industry based on food safety and COVID-19 in Georgia.

Georgian colleagues visited Department of Biotechnology and Food Microbiology as part of the project plan and became familiar with educational and scientific activities of the Department. This department is a research unit of the Poznań University of Life Sciences.

Prof. Roman Marecik, Deputy Head of the Department, showed Pilot Plant, the Microbiology Laboratory, Genetics Laboratory, Cells and tissues of animal and human origin, Chromatography Laboratory, Flow Cytometry Laboratory.

The pilot plant is the largest of the laboratories in the Department of Biotechnology and Food Microbiology, and equipped with specialized instruments, it enables modern research tasks in the field of biotechnology and bioprocess engineering to be undertaken.

The Microbiology Laboratory is involved in isolation and identification of microorganisms from food and environmental samples, and determination of specific metabolic traits of microbes. Microbial quality and activity of biotechnological products are also determined here.

Research conducted at the Genetics Laboratory is related to broadly understood microbiology and biotechnology approached at molecular level.

Cells and tissues of animal and human origin find many applications in many fields of science. Cell and tissue models have found increasing use in the analysis of cytotoxicity, bioavailability and biological activity of drugs, cosmetics and food components.

The Chromatography laboratory and Flow Cytometry Laboratory are equipped with high performance technic. The instruments allow a broad spectrum of qualitative and quantitative analyzes to be performed.

Scientific research carried out at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Microbiology concerns the following research problems: Antimicrobial activity of microorganisms and their metabolites; probiotic bacteria and their impact on human and animal health; the adhesion of microorganisms to the surface of solids, and in the field of bioprocess engineering: optimization of lactic acid production; production of biopreparations improving soil properties and the extraction processes of biologically active substances.

Besides the lectures, there were conducted working meetings at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition as well as at Projects Department, International Relations and Erasmus+ Offices, presenting Georgian Technical University and Georgia in General.

At the meetings at the Faculty were discussed the possibilities for further cooperation in research activities as well as working on the joint publications.

As an administrative staff, Deputy Head of GTU International Relations and Standards Office, Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili had working meetings at PULS Projects Department and Erasmus+ Office: Ms. Katarzyna Trzeciak, Head of Projects Department and the representatives of Erasmus+ Office, Prof. Włodzimierz Nowak, Institutional Co-ordinator; Chief Specialist Ms. Joanna Pietrzak (contact person for Bilateral Agreements and Incoming Teachers) and Chief Specialist Ms. Aneta Dach (contact person for Incoming Students).

During the meetings at the Projects Department  were considered the details of cooperation in new Erasmus+ program and possibility to cover more subjects in upcoming project proposal and Inter-Institutional Agreement. At the present we’ve had only 2 direction: Forestry - from the project beginning and then was added Food Technology direction. There were considered more scientific directions to be included in new project proposal, such as Agronomy, Landscape Architecture, Biomedical Engineering, Wood Technology (furniture design), Mechanical Engineering, etc.

Herewith were discussed the possibility of implementing specific short-courses for the students within new Erasmus+ mobility project.

At the meeting with Erasmus+ office representatives also were discussed the issues related to the project final report.

Intensive mobility schedule included various cultural events kindly organized by Poznan University of Life Sciences as well. The representatives of Georgian Technical University had opportunity to explore University Dendrological Garden, Brama Poznania (Gate Poznan ICHOT), Kornik Arboretum, Rogalin Palace with its famous Old oaks, etc.

It should be noted that GTU and PULS have been successfully collaborating since 2016 within Erasmus+ program. Especially fruitful cooperation has been established with GTU Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering.

Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by PULS has been an important and hugely beneficial programme in its years promoting productive and fruitful cooperation and partnership between the universities, implementing a number of students, academic and administrative staff mobility flows for both universities.

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