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Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Program - Coordinator's Conference Kick-off Meeting

12/04/2019 On November 18-19, 2019, GTU Assoc. Prof. Emzar Pazhava from the Faculty of Engineering Economics, Media Technology and Social Sciences participated in Coordinator's Conference Kick-off meeting in Brussels, Belgium within Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program grant project.

ჟან მონეს პროექტის კოორდინატორთა შეხვედრა ბრიუსელში

Conference was organized by Executive Agency's Jean Monnet team and colleagues from the European Commission.

The Executive Agency's Jean Monnet team hosted information sessions, offering support and guidance on operational and financial aspects of their activities in order to facilitate the implementation of Jean Monnet projects.

The event was great opportunity for participants to represent their projects and exchange information on different topics for the project successful implementation.

                                             ჟან მონეს პროექტის კოორდინატორთა შეხვედრა ბრიუსელში  ჟან მონეს პროექტის კოორდინატორთა შეხვედრა ბრიუსელში

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