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Project PRINTeL - Online Master Classes “Teachers in Digitalized Virtual Space”

08/19/2021 On the 8th of September, 2021, will be conducted Master Classes “Teachers in Digitalized Virtual Space” within Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project.

The Master Classes are recommended to university teachers. It will allow the participants to gain practical skills and know-how techniques in digital instructional methods and approaches. Through an interactive audience engagement, series of different classes it will focus on application of various online/digital teaching and learning (T&L) methods and tools. Highly experienced trainers from PRINTeL project will conduct 12 Master Classes devoted to 6 different topics on innovative teaching and learning.

The instruction language is English.

The Master Classes will start at 9:00 AM and end at 17:00 PM CET (Brussels Time) with 60 minutes duration each. The number of participants in each group is limited to 15-20 people. Limitation of participants number will be based on the principle “first come, first served”. Each person can register for no more than 2 Master Classes.
The registration is free of charge and open for those interested in innovative and technology-enhanced T&L. Registration is open from 23 August to 7 September, 2021. Registrants should have a Zoom account for their authentication.
The hours, syllabi and registration links are available in the Timetable of the Master Classes.

For more detailed information regarding the terms and conditions see PRINTeL Project website and Invitation.

For further information on the Project PRINTeL visit the Project PRINTel official website and the website of GTU International Relations Department.

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