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Erasmus+ - Representatives of the University of West Attica at GTU

Erasmus+ - Representatives of the University of West Attica at GTUOn 15-19 April, 2019, the representatives of the University of West Attica (Greece): Mr. Konstantinos Papatheodosiou, Mr. Christos Tsitsis and Ms. Eirini-Athina Vatou have been visiting Georgian Technical University under Erasmus+ mobility project, coordinated by the University of West Attica. The visit was conducted within Erasmus+ mobility project for training activities.

Erasmus+ - Representatives of the University of West Attica at GTUDuring the working meeting at GTU International Relations and Standards Office, Greek guests talked about Greek educational system and its features, they represented University of West Attica. At the meeting were discussed the issues related to ongoing joint Erasmus+ project as well, considering the possibilities to launch new joint projects as well.

Mobility visit at GTU included GTU sightseeing: colleagues from Greece visited University library and popular museums at the Faculty of Mining and  Geology – Museum of Geology and Paleontology and Museum of Mineralogy and Petrography.

Erasmus+ - Representatives of the University of West Attica at GTU Erasmus+ - Representatives of the University of West Attica at GTU

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