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Erasmus+ - GTU IRSO Representative STT Mobility at AKU


During the period of May 31 to June 4, 2021, GTU International Relations and Standards Office Chief Specialist, Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia visited Afyon Kocatepe University –AKU (Afyonkarahisar, Turkey) within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ Mobility (KA107) project, for the purpose of training activities.

Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia attended the International Week at AKU (project coordinator University), together with the representatives of various European universities. Several public and working meetings, workshops and presentations were held during the visit. Within the framework of the program, working meetings were held with the representatives of AKU International Relations Office as well as academic staff of the university. At the meeting, various topical issues related to academic and administrative mobility and the opportunities and prospects for the implementation of joint projects were discussed.

Assoc. Prof. Gitolendia together with the other participants of International Week, visited the laboratories and training centers of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty hosted by the Dean of this Faculty, Prof. Eihan Erol. Participants attended the presentations of the young researchers, where they also discussed the opportunities for Georgian students and researchers to study in Turkey, prepare new joint teaching and research project proposals and study mobility within the framework of the Erasmus+ and other grant programs. Extensive presentations about the Georgian Technical University were presented by Boris Gitolendia at all above mentioned meetings.

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