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Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Management of Sociology at LUT

06/30/2022 On 6-10 June 2021, Assist. Prof. Tinatin Tcharkhalashvili from GTU Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences, visited Lublin University of Technology – LUT (Lublin, Poland) within the framework of the Erasmus+ Exchange Project (KA107), for academic activities.

Tinatin Tcharkhalashvili conducted lectures on ''Management of Sociology" for the first-year students from the Faculty of Business and Management at the project coordinator university. The lecture course included both theoretical and practical parts. The students were actively involved in the course of the lecture that became very interesting and attractive for them. After the lectures, during the discussions, students could ask and receive the answers to the questions of interest to them.

In addition to the contact lecture course, at the request of Prof. Agnieszka Rzebka from LUT Faculty of Business and Management, young Georgian teacher conducted an online lecture on "How to Start a Business in Georgia" for international students. The presentation was followed by great interest from the students and the idea of starting a business in Georgia in the future.

Within the framework of the program, various working meetings were held in a warm and very interesting environment. The conversation was focused on technical issues related to the mobility process, the goals of mobility, sharing of experiences and future perspectives.

Within the framework of the program, working meetings were held with the representatives of the International Relations Office of the Lublin University of Technology and academic staff, discussing various topical issues related to academic and administrative mobility and opportunities for future cooperation, joint future projects were planned among them. The subject of common interest is the implementation of cross-cultural research in various fields throughout Georgia and Poland.

The mobility program covered social and cultural activities including sightseeing tours kindly organized by the host faculty members.

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