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Erasmus+ - Administrative Staff Training Visit at UNIFG

Erasmus+ - Administrative Staff Training Visit at UNIFGOn 25 February – 1 March, 2019, Ms. Marika Zviadadze, the Head of International Relations Group at International Relations and Standards Office of Georgian Technical University visited the University of Foggia – UNIFG (Italy) within ERASMUS+ KA1 mobility project coordinated by UNIFG.

Marika Zviadadze gave a presentation at International Relations Office of Italian University. The presentation was about Georgia and Georgian higher education system as well as Georgian Technical University, its educational and research activities. 

Erasmus+ - Administrative Staff Training Visit at UNIFGShe met with Georgian Professor Nino Chkhartishvili who was delivering lectures for Italian students at UNIFG within the project for Visiting Professors 2018-2019. 

For monitoring purpose Ms. Marika Zviadadze met GTU students studying at UNIFG and University of Bari (POLIBA) within Erasmus+ mobility projects coordinated by UNIFG and POLIBA. 

Erasmus+ - Administrative Staff Training Visit at UNIFGIt should be noted that Georgian Technical University and The University of Foggia are cooperating since 2016 and they have been implemented some joint projects: PhD and undergraduate students of Georgian Technical University had been successfully participating in MOBIS and MUSA national exchange programs at the University in Foggia (Foggia, Italy) during fall semester of the 2017-2018 academic year; on 17-19 October, 2018, at Georgian Technical University was conducted GTU and UniFg 1st Joint R&D International Conference “Dynamics and recent trends of vary industries in EU and Georgia: ICTs adoption in supply chain management”. Georgian-Italian conference was organized by GTU International Relations and Standards Office in collaboration with University of Foggia and the research group guided by Prof. Francesco Contò, Director of UniFg Department of Economics; in 2018 was signed Inter-institutional Agreement between GTU and UNIFG which already became valid; the University of Foggia has announced a call for 10 available positions as Visiting Professors aimed at supporting the inward mobility of Professors and Researchers from foreign Universities. GTU professor Nino Ckhartishvili (Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering) won this competition and delivered lectures for Italian students.  

The University of Foggia was founded by decree of the Ministry of University and Research on 5th August 1999. From its birth the university, at a training and research level, has presented a dynamic and innovative proposal. This model is characterized by teaching which is attentive to local needs, locally applicated research projects, internationalization, orientation, cultural events and promotion of university events.

The Departments (Agriculture, Economics, Law, Arts and Philosophy, Medicine and Surgery) with their three-year degree courses, specialist degree courses, numerous masters, research doctorates and specialization schools have contributed towards making the university a cultural centre which enables young people to acquire the professional training necessary for society and the working world.

Since its foundation (Italian Ministerial Decree 05.08.1999), the Università degli Studi di Foggia has presented – in terms of education and research – a dynamic and innovative proposal. A module characterised by didactics in step with the territorial requirements, by applied local research projects, internationalization, orientation, cultural events and promotion of University activities.

The six Departments (“Sciences of Agriculture, Food and Environment”, “Economics”, “Law”, “Humanities. Literature, Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences”, “Clinical and Experimental Medicine”, “Medical and Surgical Sciences”) with three-year degree courses, the specialist degrees, the Master’s degree courses, an Interdepartmental Research centre, the large number of Master’s courses, research doctorates, and the specialist colleges have contributed to turning the University of Foggia into a cultural centre in which young people can acquire professional training that meets the needs expressed by society and the world of work.

During last year – and in line with the actions undertaken in previous years – the Università degli Studi di Foggia has expanded and consolidated all the initiatives and activities aimed at improving and qualifying the teaching methodology, research, international relations (by participating in a large number of international cooperation projects promoting students’ and teachers’ exchange), services to students, as well as the development of the university buildings (with the adaptation of the existing structures and the acquisition of new ones), the information system and the library system.

University of Foggia is leading dozens of international and EU projects. Involvement in these projects gives opportunity to students to get acquainted with the current innovative processes in their field and contribute to their development and implementation.

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