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I Conference in Business Research & Management (BR&M): Emerging Issues after COVID-19 Time

01/24/2022 On May 26th-27th, 2022, the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Toledo, Spain) will host the 1st Conference in Business Research & Management (BR&M): Emerging Issues after COVID-19 Time. The conference will be organized by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and the University of Castilla-La Mancha. 

The event will take place in a hybrid format (on-site but also allowing the participants to join online).

Due to the occurring pandemic, business and public entities had to rethink the way to operate with a rapidly changing, increasingly complex an unpredictable environment. The aim of the 1st BR&M Conference is to discuss the most important managerial and organizational implication of the pandemic and the future challenges that public and private organizations will have to face in the coming years, the so called “New Normal”. 

The theoretical, conceptual and empirical contributions in all fields of business research can be submitted.

Important dates:
  • Extended Abstract upload and registration opening: January 24th, 2022.
  • Extended Abstract upload closing, April 3, 2022. 
  • Extended Abstract acceptance: April 10, 2022. 
  • Registration closing: April 18th, 2022. 
  • Conference: May 26th-27th, 2022.
Participation fees include:
  • In person participation (80 EUR, for students - 40 EUR): Access to all conference sessions and speeches (both live and virtual), delegate conference package with all presented material, social events, coffee breaks. The social dinner is not included in the fee.
  • Online participation (50 EUR, for students - 25 EUR): Access to all virtual presentations and speeches, electronic conference package.
Paper publication:
The proceedings of the Conference will be published by Aracne Editrice (Rome, Italy). All extended abstracts presented to the conference may undergo, when developed as a full paper, a fast-track review process for publication in two Special Issues:
  • “Business Research and Management Emerging issues after COVID-19 time” for International Journal of Business Research and Management (IJBRM) (slots of ‘free of charge’ papers have been allowed) guest edited by: Rocco Frondizi, Santiago Gutiérrez Broncano, Fátima Guadamillas Gómez, Ammar Al-Bazi.
  • “What is in the future of Business Research and Management? Emerging issues after COVID-19 time” for Administrative Sciences (amsci; Scopus and ESCI indexed) (slots of ‘free of charge’ papers have been allowed) guest edited by: Matteo Cristofaro, Pablo Ruiz Palomino, Fiorella Pia Salvatore, Pedro Jiménez, Andromahi Kufo, Ricardo Martinez Cañas.
Moreover, papers presented at the Conference can be selected for publication in the following journals:
  • Business System Research Journal (Scopus and ESCI indexed)
  • Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences (Scopus and ESCI indexed)
  • Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies (EBSCO indexed)
Further information about the conference see on the website.

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