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6th Georgian-Polish International Scientific Conference “Transport Bridge Europe-Asia”

06/27/2022 6th Georgian-Polish International Scientific Conference “Transport Bridge Europe-Asia”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of GTU, organized by Georgian Technical University (Tbilisi, Georgia), Silesian University of Technology (Gliwice, Poland) and Akaki Tsereteli State University (Kutaisi, Georgia) will be held in Tbilisi on September 26-28, 2022.

Conference working topics:
1. Current state, problems and development trends of road, rail, sea and air transport;
2. Technological and special purpose transport;
3. Urban transport and transport infrastructure;
4. Multimodal, intermodal and combined transport processes;
5. Transport logistics, management and economic aspects;
6. Dynamics of rolling stock and technological transport;
7. Vehicle diagnostics, monitoring, maintenance and service;
8. Transport operating materials;
9. Transport information systems and technologies, intelligent transport systems;
10. Cold storage and transportation of food products;
11. Transport and ecology;
12. Educational policy on transport;
13. Transport legislation and customs.

Important dates:
  • Receipt and registration of abstracts of reports August 15, 2022;
  • Notification of receipt of abstracts to the speakers August 20, 2022;
  • Submission of the full text of the reports September 5, 2022;
  • Payment of participation fee for the conference September 15, 2022;
  • Venue of the conference: Georgian Technical University; Tbilisi, M. Kostava 77;
  • Time of the conference: September 26-28, 2022;
  • Working language of the conference: Georgian, Polish, English.
Based on the results of the COVID 19 pandemic, the conference will be held in a mixed, so-called hybrid format, in particular, attending sessions and participating in panel discussions will be possible both in person and online, for which the organizers will provide an appropriate online (ZOOM) platform.

Fee for participation in the conference: 
The fee for foreign participants in the conference is 350 Euros, the contribution for their accompanying persons is 200 Euros. The contribution covers the following expenses: Participation in the work of the conference; Living in a three-star hotel and three meals a day; Publication of conference materials (collection of papers, items needed for work, etc.); Excursions with pre-defined routes and banquet. 
Preferential participation fee for speakers from Georgia is 150 GEL.
After online registration, the participant must send the electronic version of the annotation by e-mail (by August 15) at
Upon receipt of the article, the author is notified of the receipt of the article, after which the author sends a copy of the receipt (in PDF format).
Articles that do not meet the conference requirements will not be considered.

Conference Scientific Committee:
Chairman - Prof. David Gurgenidze (Georgia);
Co-Chair - Prof. Aleksander Sładkowski (Poland);
Co-Chair - Prof. Otar Gelashvili (Georgia);
Prof. Zurab Gasitashvili (Georgia); Prof. Tamaz Natriashvili (Georgia); Prof. Pridon Gogiashvili (Georgia); Prof. Bogusław Łazarz (Poland); Dr. habil. Janusz Ćwiek (Poland).

Organizing Committee:
Chairman - Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolandia (Georgia);
Co-Chair - Dr. habil. Piotr Folęga (Poland);
Prof. Givi Goletiani (Georgia); Prof. Giorgi Tumanishvili (Georgia); Assoc. Prof. Valeri Jajanidze (Georgia); Acad. Dr. Goderdzi Tabatadze (Georgia); Prof. Natia Butkhuzi (Georgia); Prof. Tea Baramashvili (Georgia); Dr. habil. Jerzy Margielewicz (Poland).

Contact persons:
Contact Email:

Full information about the conference (registration, requirements for writing an article, bank details, etc.) Posted on the conference website as well as on the Georgian Technical University, in English and in Georgian

For registration, please click on link.

Requirements for compiling the article
• The article should be presented in A4 format in Word Text Editor. All fields - 2,5 cm;
• Name of the article file - Surname and name of the author and the number of working topic (e.g. Kartvelishvili - 2);
• Fonts used: For articles in Georgian - Sylfaen, for articles in Polish, English and Russian - Times New Roman. Interval between lines 1;
• Formulas should be printed in Microsoft Equation Editor;
• Graphical material should be compatible with Word program;
• The title of the article should be written on the first line (13 Pt, Bold);
• The names and initials of the authors should be written off by one line (12 Pt, Bold);
• Brief summary (11 Pt, italic, not more than 600 signals) by skipping one line;
• Key words by skipping one line;
• Basic text – by skipping one line (11 Pt);
• Used literature (11 Pt) - by skipping one line; 
• Volume of paper 3-7 sheet;
• Quote used quotations must meet the standard: ISO690, PN-ISO690 (Vancouver System).

Bank details (GEL account)
ACC: 5040040060

Beneficiary’s bank:
Beneficiary: Georgian Technical University
IBAN: GE65 NB03 3110 0001 1502 07

To participate in the conference:
1. In the first stage, participants are registered electronically and a short annotation is sent; 
2. After complete registration, the author or a group of authors will be notified of the receipt of the article and after the mentioned procedure, the author will send a receipt (in pdf format) to confirm the reimbursement of organizational costs. The title of both files (article and copy of receipt) should be as follows: surname of the first author and title of the working topic (e.g. T. Giorgadze - Transportation); 
3. Submit the full text of the report;

Articles that fail to meet the above requirements will not be considered by the Conference Organizing Committee.

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