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Bialystok University of Technology - Online International Web Conference - CHEC 2020

05/27/2020 On June 9-10, 2020 will be conducted online International Web Conference on Changes in Cooperation and Higher Education 2020 (CHEC 2020) organized by Bialystok University of Technology, Poland.

The online conference CHEC 2020 will bring together representatives from different universities to exchange and share experience, ideas and opinions on the following topics:

- distance learning in current circumstances and impact of online education on future students outcomes;

- challenges of higher education institutions in this difficult period;

- international cooperation in the nearest future and to seek and draw together the initial conclusions from the debate at the international level.

CHEC 2020 will take place online on the platform of Microsoft Teams.

The welfare of students and staff is a top priority so universities' authorities respond to this fast developing situation. The change to working remotely is a challenge in many aspects and each university has been adjusting in different ways. Current situation caused by COVID-19 has limited but not stopped universities from developing on the path of internationalization. Moreover, it encouraged all to seek new forms of cooperation.

An important aim of this conference is to offer networking opportunities and foster debate among participants from all over the world.

For registration to the conference, please fill in and submit the online form until 7 June 2020 at website

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