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Erasmus+ - GTU IRD Representative STT Mobility at KDU

05/04/2022 On 28 March - 1 April, 2022, GTU representative from International Relations Department, Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili visited Kütahya Dumlupınar University - KDU (Kütahya, Turkey) for training activities within ongoing Erasmus+ mobility project coordinated by KDU.

As an administrative staff, Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili had working meetings at KDU International Relations Office. She met with the IRO Director, Assist. Prof. Muhammet Yunus ŞİŞMAN; Assistant Director, Dr. Berrin Demir; Erasmus Coordinator Lec. V. Onur DEMİRCİLER, as well as the Head of International Project Department at IRO, Prof. Samir AFIFI

During the working meetings with Turkish colleagues Nino Zhizhilashvili presented Georgian Technical University and Georgia in General. She also talked about the existing challenges and ongoing educational and scientific activities during the Pandemic.

At the meeting with Dr. Demir were considered the details of cooperation in new Erasmus+ program including the possibility of implementing specific short-courses for the students within new Erasmus+ mobility project.

At a meeting with Prof. Samir Afifi special attention was given to Erasmus+ Capacity Building projects focusing on the environmental areas. Turkish Professor made a presentation about the activities related to the implementation of capacity building projects at KDU and the colleagues shared their experience in this regard. 

Besides the training, there were conducted working meetings at the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences organized by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Assist. Prof. Ümran Erçetin.

During the meeting at the Faculty of Engineering with the Vice Dean and Assoc. Prof. Oktay Şahbaz, former Head of International Relations Office, GTU representative became familiar with educational and scientific activities of the Faculty.The colleagues also discussed the possibilities for further cooperation in research activities as well as working on the joint publications.

Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili visited SRG lab led by Prof. Fatih Şen at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Equipped with specialized instruments, it enables modern research tasks in the field of nanotechnology to be undertaken at the lab. Prof. Fatih Şen is conducting urgently needed research together with his group (included postgraduate and PhD students) with important achievements in the field of nanoparticles and nanotechnology. It should be noted that he is considered as one of the most productive nanotechnology researchers in Turkey.

At the meeting with Prof. Şen and his group members were considered the short-term internships possibility of PhD students at GTU Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems.

Intensive mobility schedule included various cultural events kindly organized by KDU International Relations Office and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. The young GTU researcher had the opportunity to explore the main university campus, located in a fairly large area with impressive views of the landscape. The main campus houses the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Fine Arts, Institute of Health Science, Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Information, Main Library, Health Centre and various indoor and outdoor sports facilities.

Herewith, thanks to Assist. Prof. Ümran Erçetin she was able to experience historical and cultural attractions of Kutahya and to visit UNESCO World Heritage Centre – Aizanoi Antique City located near Kutahya. Surviving remains from the period include a well-preserved Temple of Zeus, unusual combined theatre-stadium complex, and macellum (one of the first markets in the world), etc.

It should be noted that GTU and KDU have been successfully collaborating since 2018 when young researchers Ümran Erçetin and Fatih Şen visited GTU presenting KDU to Georgian colleagues at GTU International Relations Department (former International Relations and Standards Office).

GTU student Ia Tsotsoria from the Faculty of Civil Engineering has Successfully completed her Erasmus+ mobility at project coordinator Kutahya Dumlupinar University as well.

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