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Project VitaGLOBAL - Zoom Meeting Regarding Wine Tourism Module Development


On 21 November, was held Zoom meeting regarding the presentation related to the syllabus developed under Module 2 (Wine Tourism) within Erasmus+ VitaGLOBAL project. 

Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili from the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Biosystems Engineering (Active Head of the Viticulture and Winery Department) conducted online presentation to Faculty students and academic and administrative personnel. 

Prof. Chkhartishvili briefly presented project VitaGLOBAL and developed Module of Wine Tourism. She talked about module’s components, appropriate literature. She also discussed the worldwide models of wine tourism.

particular attention was paid to a pilot winery enterprise, which is the most important part of the educational program and will be installed at the university within the project VitaGLOBAL. It's worth noting that appropriate modern equipment has been already purchased within VitaGLOBAL. Such pilot enterprise will allow GTU students to be involved in the wine making process and acquire needed practical skills and relevantexperience.

During the meeting Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili considered implemented and planned activities within the project as well.

It should be noted that Georgian Technical University is participating in Erasmus+ Project VitaGlobal - “A Global Network for Agricultural Sciences and Viniviticulture: Internationalising through Joint Programmes” (598507EEP-1-2018-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) as a project consortium member.

The main objective of the project VitaGLOBAL is to develop a global university network, connecting diverse geographic regions with limited pre-existing cooperation, in order to enhance study programmes that contribute to local development, specifically in food science and viniviticulture, foci mentioned universities share.

The coordinators of the project are Universitat Rovira I Virgili – URV and OBREAL Global Observatory (Spain). Project consortium consists of 17 institutions from Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, South Africa and Georgia.

More detail information about the project is available on VitaGLOBAL official website and GTU International Relations and Standards website.

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