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Erasmus+ - Course on Effective Operation of Motor Transport and the Fundamentals of Engineering Electronics at LUT

06/17/2019 On May 20–24, Prof. Otar Gelashvili, Dean of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering Faculty and Assoc. Prof. Nikoloz Abzianidze, Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, visited Lublin University of Technology (Poland) within Erasmus+ mobility project for teaching activities coordinated by LUT.

The teaching activity consisted of an 8-hour course for both Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students.
The course covered the issues related to the problems of effective operation of motor transport as well as the fundamentals of engineering electronics.

The Georgian Professors visited Faculty of Mechanic and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Guests were welcomed by the Head of Faculty of Mechanics Prof. Marek Opielak and Head of Department of Electrical Devices and High Voltage Technology, Prof. Pawel Zakowsky, Assoc. Prof Tomasz N. Koltunowicz and academic staff of the Faculties.

Assoc. Prof. Abzianidze delivered presentation introducing ongoing educational and scientific activities and the issues of appropriate teaching methods in GTU as well. Also were discussed the issues related to joint research projects between GTU and LUT.

The mobility schedule included meeting at LUT’s Office of International Education with Ms. Dorota Tylus. At the meeting were discussed the perspectives for further cooperation between the universities under Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity building in the field of higher education.

The mobility program covered social and cultural activities including LUT sightseeing organized by the host faculty members.

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