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United Nations Initiative - Summer Of Solutions

05/30/2019 Georgian Technical university’s students are invited to participate in the Summer Of Solutions United Nations initiative, in particular, students of faculty of engineering, design and business as well as with business incubators, accelerators, and entrepreneurship and social responsibility centers or clubs.
This global call-to-action invites young technologists, designers, entrepreneurs, and other creative minds to imagine and build open-source technology solutions for tackling global challenges. The 2019 focus is on climate change, and solutions are expected to enable circular economies, develop ethical fashion, and improve climate information.
This initiative is organized by the United Nations Secretary-General ‘s Envoy on Youth, the United Nations Technology Innovation Labs, the United Nations Development Programme, and the Unite Ideas platform of the United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology.
The best Summer Of Solutions will be featured at the United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019 (New York, USA), 23 September 2019, and may have the potential to receive support to become real enterprises.
Participation can range from simply submitting an idea to developing full fledge solutions, but in every case, getting involved should prove rewarding for both students and faculty.
Details, registration information and challenge deadlines are available through the Unite Ideas platform.
The first deadline is 03.07.19.

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