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Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”

Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”On 16-17 May, at Yerevan State University (Armenia) was conducted International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges” dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Yerevan State University. The event was held within the framework of EU funded ERASMUS+ project PRINTeL - “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries” (No 585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”The main purpose of the international conference-workshop was to fine-tune redesigned and tested TT courses, to prepare them for the next regular using at TSDCs.

Together with other representatives of project consortium member universities from PC and EU partners, GTU representatives participated in the conference, making presentations and were actively engaged in panel sessions and discussions.

Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”The first working day of the conference was dedicated to the plenary sessions and presentations from the representatives of consortium member EU universities, who presented reports on academic staff professional development concepts, active learning and different methods of teaching, as well as shared their experience to other participants.

Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”During the second session participants from Georgian, Belorussian and Armenian universities made appropriate reports. GTU representatives presented academic staff professional development opportunities, methods of active learning and teaching and the experience and challenges of their university.

Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”On the second day of the conference, the participants were divided in five parallel groups to continue working in their modules and the work continued in 5 parallel session discussions on the following issues:

- Active learning and teaching strategies and concepts;
- Students' active teaching assessment systems and strategies;
- Assignments for students - forms and methods;
- Active teaching technologies and infrastructure, general topics on teaching and learning.

Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”At the end of the day, all the workshop participants presented the conclusions and the relevant declaratory data that will be shared by the Project PRINTeL for all project participants using appropriate platforms and information sources.

At the conference-workshop GTU was represented by Prof. George Dzidziguri (International Relations and Standards Office),  Assoc. Prof. Natia Kochladze (Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design), Assoc. Prof. Boris Gitolendia (Faculty of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering) and Assist. Prof. Tamari Kupreishvili (Facultu of Law and International Relations).

Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”Intensive schedule of the workshop included social-cultural activities as well.

It should be noted that the project PRINTeL “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries” (No 585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) aims to support innovative teaching and learning in the universities of Eastern Partnership countries.

Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”Also, one of the objectives of the project is to create an e-learning portal (platform) with the participation of consortium member countries that will help universities to develop different models and forms of innovative teaching and learning.

Project PRINTeL - International Conference-Workshop “Professional Development of Academic Staff – Experience and Challenges”Together with the Georgian Technical University, members of the PRINTeL project consortium are the universities fr om Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Georgia, Portugal, Spain  and Sweden, in total 14 of universities.

For further information on the Project PRINTeL visit the official website of the Project PRINTel and the website of GTU International Relations and Standards Office.

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