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Erasmus+ - Course on 3D OpenGL Graphic Programming and Related Issues

07/21/2019 On 24-28 May, Prof. Samoej Slawomir from Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland) visited Georgian Technical University within Erasmus+ mobility project, coordinated by RUT.

Mr. Samoej Slawomir is a Professor at the Department of Computer and Control Engineering. He visited GTU within Erasmus+ mobility for teaching activities.

During his stay he delivered the lectures for the students of the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems. The topic of his course covered Interactive 3D OpenGL graphic programming and related issues, such as POSIX and VxWorks based real-time and concurrent applications programming; Software engineering elements of flight control and monitoring of UAVs; Real-time systems development; Principles of Win32 Windows programming. Herewith Polish guest conducted presentation about RUT education and scientific offers as well as his professional activities and achievements. 

Meetings and lectures were organized  by GTU  International Relations and Standards Office together with Prof. Tamar Lominadze (Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems) and Prof. Simon Nemsadze (Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication). 

Mobility visit programme at GTU included study visit in Kakheti as well as socio-cultural activities organized by GTU International Relations and Standards Office within project dissemination to discuss new collaboration possibilities with the representatives of various institutions from Sweden (KTH), Spain (UPV), UK (Keele University), Finland (TUAS), Belarus (BSU, BrSTU), Kazakhstan (AUPET, TarSU, BPAMC, ND&C), Armenia (NUACA, NPUA, MoESA, YeTRI) and Georgia (MoECS, BSU).

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