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Project PRINTeL - VATL Virtual Academy for Teaching and Learning

06/28/2021 Within the frame of Virtual Academy for Teaching and Learning (VATL) of the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project, 5 e-platforms are established for creating Virtual Communities of Teaching Practice around particular innovative teaching and learning (T&L) approaches.

These communities will provide social networking platforms to encourage collaboration and dialogue amongst the VATL community members, enable them to engage in discussion forums and conversations about particular aspects of innovative and technology-enhanced T&L. Community members will also have the opportunity to explore and find knowledge on certain innovative T&L practices and pedagogical approaches in the given discipline, to share, review and discuss experiences about applying OERs and teaching with the use of technology.
VATL’s Virtual Communities of Teaching Practice are accessible via the link after the registration in the VATL portal. University teachers and students are welcomed to register in the VATL Portal and its 5 T&L Communities.

A special Video-Guide will explain how to register for VATL Virtual Communities.

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