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Erasmus+ - Lecture Course on Transport Logistics of Georgia at KUT


Within the framework of the International academic Staff Mobility Program of the Erasmus + KA-107 project, Davit Japaridze, assistant professor at the Academic Department of Transport and Industry Management of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering of Georgian Technical University, visited the Koszalin University of Technology (KUT) – Poland, with the purpose of teaching during July 20-24, 2022.

During the visit at Koszalin University of Technology, Davit Japaridze conducted a course of lectures on the following topics: 1. Strategic development plan of transport logistics of Georgia; 2. Strengthening innovative competencies and entrepreneurial skills in engineering education; 3. Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) or Finite Element Method (FEM) in Industrial Engineering.

Davit Japaridze also attended the 10th International Scientific Conference of Surface Engineering, 6th Applied and Sustainable Engineering and 1st Electronics and Informatics Trends, where he made a presentation on the strategic development plan of Georgia's transport logistics. The conference was also attended by Professors of the Georgian Technical University Nino Zhizhilashvili and Lika Rukhadze.

During the mobility period, Assistant Professor Davit Japaridze had a meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science, prof. Krzysztof Rokosz. The discussion was about deepening the relationship between the two universities, in particular, the prospects of implementing student exchange and double degree programs. During the meeting, Davit Japaridze presented the presentation about the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering.

At last, local professors and teachers noted that the relations between the Koszalin University of Technology and Georgian Technical Universities are very effective and, the visit will facilitate strengthening the future relations.


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