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Online Seminar on AGRIS and AGROVOC

07/05/2021 On 25th of June, the Institute for Scientific and Technical Information -TECHINFORMI of GTU, as a National AGRIS Hub in Georgia organized an online seminar for the agricultural community of Georgia -“Increase the visibility and accessibility of the agricultural data produced in Georgia through the FAO AGRIS International information system and AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus”.

The Institute for Scientific and Technical Information TECHINFORMI is a National AGRIS Centre and Hub in Georgia, regularly placing bibliographic records (publications, conference materials, monographs, researches, etc.) in the database. Moreover, TECHINFORMI is the only provider of Georgian terms to the AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus.

The main target of the seminar was to increase the visibility and accessibility of agricultural data produced in Georgia using the FAO AGRIS and FAO AGROVOC systems. 
The seminar was presented by Dr. Nelly Makhviladze and Dr. Marina Razmadze.

More than 70 participants (journal publishers, agricultural specialists and librarians) from different regions of Georgia were attended the seminar. The official representative of FAO, who coordinates the AGROVOC, AGRIS and AGORA programs Ms. Imma Subirats also attended the seminar.

At the end of the seminar, all the participants were awarded with certificates.

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