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“International Conference on Sustainability Analysis –Theoretical Perspectives and tools for Policy-makers, ICSA” 2022


On July 14-15 Sapienza University of Rome (Department of Social Sciences and Economics will hold a conference “International Conference on Sustainability Analysis –Theoretical Perspectives and tools for Policy-makers, ICSA” 2022.

The conference will be held in a mixed-mode on-site/web. Both theoretical and applied

contributions about the sustainability of different aspects of reality and its analysis to support

policy-makers are solicited and welcome.

Contributed abstracts are welcome. Scholars are invited to submit to the Scientific Committee

(by using the email of the conference) an abstract in English, of no more than 300 words,

including title, authors’ name, company or institution they belong to, and email.

All selected abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts of the ICSA Conference 2022 -

International Conference on Sustainability Analysis, with ISBN.

There will be a Special Issue in Social Indicators Research.

The official conference language will be English.

Conference details:

April 30th, 2022 – abstract submission (max 300 words).

May 31th, 2022 – early bird reduced accreditation fees (EURO 80).

From June 1st, 2022 – regular accreditation fees (EURO 100)

The fee for participants under 30 years old and students is EURO 50.

Awards are foreseen for the best posters on the theme of sustainability presented at the related

session by participants under 30 years old and students.

Participants should send their poster by June 1, 2022 to the conference address.


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