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News for EUA Members and Partners (05.10.10)

1. DEAN 2010 Annual Conference and EU-Drivers Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain (15-17 November 2010)
The DEAN Network´s 2010 Annual Conference: “Out of the crisis into sustainable recovery? Maintaining quality in a time of constrained resources” will take place on 15-16 November 2010 in Barcelona, Spain.
For more detailed information, please visit:
2. Joint Workshop on the role of the Framework 7 Advisor, Brussels, Belgium (11 November 2010)
The Santander Group and the Compostela Group of Universities are jointly organising a workshop on the role of the 7th Framework Advisors in Brussels, Belgium, on 11 November 2010.
Early bird registration ends 28 October 2010.
For more detailed information, please visit:
3. New IAU Survey report on ‘Internationalisation of Higher Education: Global Trends, Regional Perspectives’
The International Association of Universities (IAU) has published its 3rd Global Survey Report: ‘Internationalization of Higher Education: Global Trends, Regional Perspectives’. With contributions from internationalisation experts from around the world, the analysis of the results is based on responses from HEIs in 115 countries.
For more detailed information, please visit:
4. 9th Ethical Forum of the University Foundation: ‘The University as a business – disaster or necessity?’ Brussels, Belgium (18 November 2010)
The 9th Ethical Forum of the University Foundation (Belgium): ‘The University as a business – disaster or necessity?’ will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 18 November 2010 from 14.00 to 18.00.
For more detailed information, please visit:

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