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Jean Monnet Programme - Project “The Idea of Europe and Georgia’s European Integration”

08/29/2019 GTU Assoc. Prof. Emzar Pazhava (Faculty of Engineering Economic, Media Technology and Social Sciences) became the winner of the “Jean Monnet” competition in 2019.

სტუ-ს პროფესორი ემზარ ფაჟავა 2019 წლის ჟან მონეს პროგრამის კონკურსის გამარჯვებული გახდა The project “The Idea of Europe and Georgia’s European Integration” aims to promote European values among young people.

The specific task of the project is to improve young people's knowledge and awareness on European values and Georgia’s European integration.

The duration of the project is three years. Within the project will be provided the lectures for undergraduate students of the Georgian Technical University and organized the International conferences about European integration as well.

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