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Project PRINTeL - 5 Brochures on Innovative and Technology-Enhanced T&L

11/05/2020 Five Brochures covering the main issues of innovative and technology-enhanced teaching and learning have been issued within the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project.

These brochures are related to the basics of the methodology, technology of application in practice of innovative Teaching and Learning approaches.

The brochures have been elaborated and issued by the EU and PC university staffs involved in the Project, including GTU Associate Professors: Natia Kochladze (Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design), Nino Kholuashvili (Faculty of Law and International Relations) and Boris Gitolendia (Faculty of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering).
It should be noted that these Professors participated in Training of Trainers (TT) courses offered by PRINTeL project European partners and undertook appropriate trainings at European universities: Porto University (Portugal), FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (Austria) and Linköping University (Sweden).
Starting from the 2019, they have conducted several training courses related to innovative pedagogy in order to promote greater awareness on the types and methods of innovative and technology enhanced teaching and learning and to share the best practices gained within PRINTeL project to GTU academic staff.

Issued E-Brochures on Innovative and Technology-enhanced T&L are as follows:

1. Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning

2. Active Learning and ICT-Enhanced Teaching: M-Learning and Gamification

3. Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers and Students

4. Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom

5. Hybrid/Blended Learning

For further information on the Project PRINTeL visit the official website of the Project PRINTel and the website of GTU International Relations and Standards Office.

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