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Erasmus+ Project VitaGLOBAL - Workshop at SU

03/31/2020 On 25-29 February, 2020 at Stellenbosch University – SU (Stellenbosch, South Africa) was held the fourth working meeting within Erasmus+ VitaGLOBAL project (№585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).
The event opening ceremony was held at Stellenbosch University Art Museum Courtyard. Together with the workshop participants, among the invited guests were H.E. Mr. Beka Dvali. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to the Republic of South Africa; Mr. Marius Heyns, the Chairman of Southern Africa Georgia Chamber of Commerce and other authorities.

The representatives of academic staff and IRO offices from the project consortium member institutions (from Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, South Africa and Georgia) took part in the workshop. GTU was represented by Prof. Lia Amiranashvili, Head of the Department of Agrarian Technologies of GTU Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Bio-systems Engineering and Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili, Deputy Head of International Relations and Standards Office.
SU workshop was focused on the theme of „Internationalising the curricula” and there were discussed the topics such as: Teaching for the future; Strategies for internationalising teaching; Leveraging ICT for internationalisation of teaching; Blended learning; Support services and training for teachers; World Cafe methodology, etc.

During the workshop the participants discussed the survey results related to the relationships between universities and partner organizations as well and worked on the policy paper (guide) and academic modules further development. Plans for economic sector roundtables and activities to be held in 2020 were set as well.

It should be noted that SU intensive workshop programme included social-cultural activities organized by the host university (excursion to Langebaan, visiting popular wine companies) and event participants had the opportunity to explore country's viticulture, its peculiarities and modern wine technologies used in the region and they were able to taste famous South African wines as well.

The main objective of the project VitaGLOBAL - “A Global Network for Agricultural Sciences and Viniviticulture: Internationalising through Joint Programmes” - is to develop a global university network, connecting diverse geographic regions with limited pre-existing cooperation, in order to enhance study programmes that contribute to local development, specifically in food science and viniviticulture, foci these universities share.

The coordinator of the project is Universitat Rovira I Virgili – URV (Spain). Project consortium consists of 17 institutions from Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, South Africa and Georgia.

More detail information about the project is available on VitaGLOBAL official website.

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