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Erasmus+ - II International Week at UVa

05/01/2018 On 16-20 April, 2018 at the University of Valladolid - UVa (Valladolid, Spain) was conducted II Erasmus+ International Week.

GTU as the project partner University was represented by Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili, Deputy Head of GTU International Relations and Standards Office under staff mobility for training activities. Around 50 representatives of 33 universities fr om all over the world (Latin America, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Africa) were participating in the Staff Week.

Assist. Prof. Nino Zhizhilashvili, together with other participants met with Vice-Rector for Internationalization, Prof. Jose Ramon Gonzalez; Director of International Relations,  Mar Fernandez and others. She attended Panel session and workshops on Erasmus+ KA 107, also multicultural events planned within the Week programme.

During the working meetings were discussed the issues related to the mobility project, appropriate procedures and realization steps for the project smooth implementation. The participants were able to exchange their experiences and best practices in this regard and conducted presentations of their Universities as well.

The participants were welcomed by Oscar Puente, the city Mayor of Valladolid.

Intensive programme included the visit in National Sculpture Museum as well as the visit at Segovia Campus, wh ere Vice-Rector of Segovia Campus welcomed the participants and guided tour to Segovia city was offered to them.

On final meeting participants were awarded with appropriate Diplomas and the programme was ended by farewell cocktail with traditional music performed by UVa Chorus. 

The University of Valladolid is a one of the oldest Universities in Europe, founded in XIII century. Nowadays it has 4 campuses in different cities (Valladolid, Palencia, Segovia and Soria) and 25 217 students.

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