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Project PRINTeL - Monitoring Visit at GTU

07/09/2019 On June 26 at Georgian Technical University was held the working meeting within Erasmus+ PRINTeL project (CBHE PROJECT# 585760-EPP-1-2017-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), in order to monitor the progress of the PRINTeL project at GTU.

For this purpose, project management team from Yerevan State University (Armenia) visited GTU. Prof. Armen Budaghyan, Project Coordinator and Assist. Prof. Mari Santurjyan, Project Manager had the meeting at GTU International Relations and Standards Office.

At the meeting were discussed the current issues and plans, as well as the activities and tasks for 2019 within the project, including implementation and realization of the GTU’s TSDC Operational Plan, GTU dissemination activities, GTU contribution in production of 5 T&L Brochures by EU partners as well as the issues related to the procurement of equipment, etc.

Herewith during the meeting were discussed the remarks and recommendations made by NEO Georgia during the monitoring held at Ilia State University (PRINTeL project local coordinator in Georgia) in March 2019.

Working visit at GTU included study visit in Kakheti as well as socio-cultural activities organized by GTU International Relations and Standards Office within project PRINTeL dissemination to discuss new collaboration possibilities with the representatives of various institutions from Sweden (KTH), Spain (UPV), UK (Keele University), Finland (TUAS), Poland (RUT), Belarus (BSU, BrSTU), Kazakhstan (AUPET, TarSU, BPAMC, ND&C), Armenia (NUACA, NPUA, MoESA, YeTRI) and Georgia (MoECS, BSU).На изображении может находиться: 3 человека, люди сидят, стол и в помещении

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