მსოფლიო ბანკის ექსპერტი იზაბელა ბარატი წაიკითხავს შემეცნებით ლექციას ურბანულ ფინანსებზე არქიტექტურის, ურბანისტიკისა და დიზაინის ფაკულტეტზე.

11/29/2016 მსოფლიო ბანკის ექსპერტი იზაბელა ბარატი
წაიკითხავს შემეცნებით ლექციას ურბანულ ფინანსებზე
  არქიტექტურის, ურბანისტიკისა და დიზაინის ფაკულტეტზე.

ლექცია ჩატარდება 29 ნოემბერს, 12 საათზე, 405 აუდიტორიაში.

Topic of Presentation:

Special Characteristics and Financing Metro Areas
Metropolitan areas are hubs of economic and cultural life in a country. They have a higher number of inhabitants and population density than the rest of the country. Higher density and large population besides their positive effects also mean that metropolitan cities face special challenges in organizing and offering tailored services to their citizens. Metro cities need to address increased risk of fire and security issues, water and sewer services and providing effective transport systems. While the financing possibilities in metro areas are also divers – e.g. various taxes, PIT, business, property tax -, they often rely on central government subsidies as well.

About the lecturer:

IzabellaBarati-Stec is a Central European University Visiting Professor with a focus on public finance and urban financing in developing countries. For the Natural Resource Governance Institute, she recently prepared a training presentation on “Budgeting in Resource Rich Settings”. Among others, she guest lectured at George Washington University, George Mason University, University of Toronto, and McGill University and visited the Munk School of International Affairs at the University of Toronto (Autumn 2011), Monterey Institute of International Studies, California (Spring 2013) and Ocean University, Qingdao, China (Winter 2014).


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