Dear Colleagues,

We would like to remind you that all papers that will be presented at COMECAP 2023 will be published without additional financial burden, in an open access journal of the publishing house MDPI, receiving references and h-indexing by numerous scientific data bases (e.g. Scopus, ResearchGate, Web of Science, Academia, Exaly, Google Scholar, etc).

Please, note that the double-blind peer review process will be followed by the COMECAP 2023 Scientific Committee for each paper submitted, and that the registration of at least one of the co-authors is required, in order for each paper to be presented at the conference, as well as to be published in the open access proceedings.

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission:  up to 28th February 2023

For more information, please visit our conference website:


On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Dr. Konstantinos Moustris

COMECAP 2023 Chairman


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