Invitation to the International Conference (17 March, 2023)


Dear colleagues, partners

On behalf of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs and myself, allow me to express my respect and invite you and your colleagues to participate in the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "International and National Security: Theoretical and Applied Aspects".
The topic of the conference is relevant not only for Ukraine but also for the entire progressive community, it concerns everyone for whom democratic values and principles are the main ones in building the future.
We would like to discuss the main components of international and national security together with our Ukrainian and foreign partners, to hear your vision of ensuring security in all areas of activity of individual states and the global world.
We will be grateful if representatives of your educational institution will take part in the conference "International and National Security: Theoretical and Applied Aspects". Our university always values mutual contact, which includes the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of fighting crime, whatever its scale.

Kind regards, 
Tatyana Chumachenko


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