Invitation for ICNA-STA

Dear All,

On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees of the Conference, it is our great pleasure to invite all professors, researchers and scholars to submit abstracts and attend the “International Conference on New Achievements in Science, Technology and Arts” – ICNA-STA”, which will take place from 4th – 5th May 2023, in Prishtina, Kosova.

For details, please check the following link  

Looking forward meeting you!!

Prof.dr.Shaban A. Buza
Profesor i rregullt-Full Professor
Universiteti i Prishtinës-University of PrishtinaFakulteti i Inxhinierisë Mekanike-Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Udhëheqës i Departamentit - Head of Department
Disenji Inxhinierik dhe Automjetet-Engineering Design and Vehicles 

Agim Ramadani pn. 10000 Prishtina, Kosova
Mob. +383 44 124 315 and +383 49 124 315

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