Opportunities for Georgian Researchers and Scientists in Horizon Europe

Dear Colleagues,

I hereby send the calendar invite for the Opportunities for Georgian Researchers and Scientists in Horizon Europe.
You are warmly welcome to forward this to colleagues in your institutions and networks.

At the moment around 30 scientists fr om Georgia have signed up for the event.

I am looking forward seeing you!

Best wishes

-----Original Appointment-----
Sent: 14. november 2022 12:47
To: Jan Andersen; Mariami Merabishvili; Sean McCarthy
Subject: How to prepare for getting success in European Research Funding
When: 21. december 2022 12:30-16:00 (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris.
Wh ere: https://zoom.us/j/98037831171

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Opportunities for Georgian Researchers and Scientists in Horizon Europe


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