Looking for student applications for international master programme at Ghent University

Dear colleagues and partners,

I would like to share with you the call for international student applications for three international master programmes at University of Ghent in Belgium.
Please kindly disseminate these links among your networks and students from the related fields:

The Erasmus Mundus Programmes involved are:

    * International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management (SINReM), which is also EIT labeled: https://sinrem.eu/
    * International Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD): https://imrd.eu/
    * International Master of Science in Health Management in Aquaculture (AQUAH): https://aquah.eu/

The application deadline for scholarship seeking students is 28 February 2023.
Questions can be directed to applications.itc@ugent.be.

Many regards from Austria,



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