Fw: Invitation to scientific conference entitled Panel Discussion Meetings PSD-2022 “Innovations in practice” at Lublin University of Technology, Poland 20-21 October, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Due to long lasting and fruitful cooperation between Lublin Unversity of Technology and your institution and having in mind new possibilites which are created on its basis, please feel invited to a scientific conference entitled Panel Discussion Meetings PSD-2022 “Innovations in practice. If you find it useful, please forward the email to your collaegues and other units of your institution. More details as well as contact information attached to the email.

I kindly invite you to participate in the scientific conference titled Panel Discussion Meetings PSD-2022 “Innovations in practice” taking place in Lublin on 20-21 October 2022. The venue for the event is the LUBLIN ARENA LUBLIN.
The main objectives of the PSD-2021 are promoting the cooperation between science and business, presenting innovative solutions from technical and medical fields as well as knowledge transfer solutions from universities to companies.
The event includes: Conference and Workshops  (information on:  http://cine.edu.pl)
The 9th edition of ‘Innovations in practice’ is a nationwide conference under the patronage  of the Polish Academy of Science Branch in Lublin. It pertains to the scientific issues covering medical and health fields, as well as technical, humanities-related and social topics. Results of the poster session and printouts of post-conference materials will be provided to participants as a good practice encompassing the dissemination of conference results. Several publications are planned to be published in selected scientific journals.
The event is held annually and consists of several workshops and panel discussions every year with a different leading topic. 
The transfer of new knowledge and skills involving the latest trends must be conducted in cooperation with businesses. Results of the discussion on current problems in the implementation of innovations will encompass new solutions to be implemented in order for potential business and industrial problems to be overcome.
     The latest technologies and projects will be presented during the International Invention and Technology Exhibition INNO WINGS 2022 Lublin (registration on www.innowings.pl)

As a consequence, the PSD-2022 is a perfect opportunity to present your scientific or technology-related offer in the interdisciplinary forum of scientists from all public universities in Lublin and guests from all over the country. The conference participants will represent following specialists: engineers, medical doctors and humanists. Furthermore, the event offers a great opportunity to discuss a wide range of innovations directly with business.
I will be pleased to host you during the conference in Lublin in 2022. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Should you require more information or would like to confirm your participation, please do not hesitate to contact the conference team or me directly. 


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