გიწვევთ პოლონელი არქიტექტორის თომაზ თომაზეკის (Tomasz Tomaszek) საჯარო ლექციაზე


თემა: ხალხური ხის არქიტექტურის დაცვისა და კონსერვაციის პრობლემები

ლექცია ჩატარდება ზუმის პლატფორმის მეშვეობით 2022 წლის 15 ივნისს 12.00 სთ.

ZOOM ID 8 891 775 275

Password: gtu2020


Tomasz Tomaszek, PhD

Topic of lectures

The problems of safeguarding and conservation of wooden vernacular architecture


Description of lectures (part I)

The proposed lectures would provide an overview of the contemporary theory of conservation of wooden architecture. Special focus will be placed on the issues of authenticity and integrity of historic building, as well as the difficulties with determination of the holders of significance (which we intend to preserve in heritage object). The different perspectives of conservation approach towards heritage building will be discussed (like the historic concepts developed in Europe or the solutions used in the other parts of the world, for example in Japan). Also the currently used methods of strengthening of the wooden building will be presented with comparison to the traditional methods of conservation.

Finally it will be discussed the "model approach" for conservation of wooden vernacular building (developed by the author) on the example of orthodox church in Miękisz Stary, Poland. The assumed guidelines also include a proposal for the restitution of the iconostasis to the church, and thus the restoration of its original character and its iconographic ignificance. Therefore also the problems of conservation of the interiors of wooden churches would be discussed in details.


Topic of lectures (part II)

Preservation of architectural heritage as an interpretation of significant historical

place - problems and challenges.


Description of lectures (part II)

The proposed lectures would provide an overview on preservation of architectural

heritage, particularly in the context of understanding it as an important aspect of

interpretation of significant historical place. Special attention will be given to the

aspect of authenticity of the historic building and the dangers of its adulteration

resulting from the use of inappropriate conservation solutions will be discussed. The

above issues will be shown from the perspective of the conservation experiences

from Europe, Asia and Northern America. As a substantial part of the lectures some case studies will be presented, for example protection of wooden cabin located inside of national monument areas in Tennessee, USA; protection of cultural landscape in Appalachian Mountains, USA; conservation of wooden architectural heritage in Xian, China; contemporary

approaches for conservation of architectural complex of Forbidden City in Beijing,

China; protection of temples in Nara and Kyoto, Japan and the horizon of

authenticity in Japanese culture.


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