China Dialogues

China Dialogues

Presentation and Roundtable Discussion with:

Vladimir Belogolovsky

Yung Ho Chang

Evangelos Kotsioris

Lyndon Neri

Center for Architecture, New York

Tuesday, May 10, 6 pm


Kenneth Frampton: “…Herein each conversation is an extraordinary testimony to the energy of an undeniable renaissance, in which these talented and highly cultivated architects are engaged in the common project of creating a civic culture for a new society…”

Steven Holl: “…China Dialogues tirelessly presents the Chinese architects who in 20 years have embodied that new freedom and promise…”

Jean-Louis Cohen: “…Belogolovsky lifts the veil on a prolific new generation of designers, who have in common a highly intellectualized and conceptual understanding of architecture…”

Juhani Pallasmaa: “…Belogolovsky shares his deep personal knowledge of current Chinese architecture and the leading individual designers, as well as their thinking and intentions…”

Aaron Betsky: “…This book assembles some of the very best practices not just in Asia, but in the world, displaying their work with photographs of great depth, while letting the designers tell us about their sources, dreams, and aspirations…”

AntoinePredock: “…China Dialogues is a pivotal introduction to current architecture in China that did not exist before to such an extent… Belogolovsky’s dialogues should be the primary text for westerners to understand the ethos of Chinese architecture.” 


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