YOUNG SCIENTIST 2022 - 14th International Scientific Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 

under auspices of:

assoc. prof. Peter Mésároš, the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering,   

Ing. Andrej Doležal, the Minister of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic,

Mgr. Branislav Gröhling, the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic,

Ján Budaj, the Minister of Environment of the Slovak Republic.

The conference will be held on Jun 27rd and 29th 2022 in Čingov, Slovak Paradise, Slovakia.

All accepted papers will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings.

AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in a number of services, including these leading databases:

  • Web of Science
  • Scopus (Elsevier)
  • Inspec
  • Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)

Important dates:

Registration with abstract submission:                                      May 30,2022

Payment:                                                                                        May 30,2022

Fulltext and 1st Review Submission:                                          June 03,2022

For further information and registration please visit:

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

Organising Committee. 


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