03/15/2022 ICAMES 2022 INVITATION
(International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students)

When: May 10th - 16th May 2022
Where: Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Fee: FREE!

Application Form:

Dear Sir / Madam,

If you are an engineering undergraduate or member of the academic staff at a university or a college,  
If you are working on an engineering project as a student or as an advisor,  
If you want to have fun and discuss your project with your fellow students and professors from all over the world without paying any fee,
Then you should apply to ICAMES 2022!!

What is ICAMES? 

ICAMES (International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students) is an international, academic, scientific, and cultural project competition that is held in May annually by the Engineering Society (ENSO) of Bogazici University. It is supported by the Dean of Faculty of Engineering. Its academic committee is formed by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and an advisor from each Engineering Department of Bogazici University. ICAMES, of which the 26th will be held this year, welcomes all engineering projects that are an advanced level. We do not only have an academic side, but also various activities introducing different countries and cultures to each other. In addition to the project presentations, social and cultural activities such as the "Culture Night" about the participating countries, are included in the ICAMES program as well.  

ICAMES 2022 (10 - 16 May 2022)  
ICAMES 2022 will start on the 10th of May and end on 16th of May. This year’s main concept is “Sustainability”. It is not necessary that your project has to be about “Sustainability” completely; however, we really appreciate if you establish a connection between your project and this topic. You can find more details about the event activities and the schedule on the ICAMES Event Page. 

→ All the expenses of the participants are covered by the Organization Committee of ICAMES 2022 including food, accommodation, entertainment, etc. except the travel expenses.

→ Your project should deal with engineering techniques and must be prepared by undergraduate students.
→ You should provide the necessities for traveling abroad in the pandemic era.

#In ICAMES you have the opportunity to:
→ Meet engineering students all around the world
→ Meet new cultures
→ Introduce your project to the academic board
→ Have lots of fun and memories
→ Get to know beautiful Istanbul from the impressive Bosphorous
→ Do all the activities without paying any 

#How to apply:
→ To participate in ICAMES, you should just fill the Application Form :)

For further information please visit our website at:
Alternatively, contact us by e-mail:
Follow our Instagram account to learn news: @icamesboun
We are looking forward to seeing you here in Turkey!
Engineering Society (ENSO)
Bogazici University


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