




The editorial board of the periodical scientific journal "TECHNICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS" invites you to publish the results of your research in 2022


The journal accepts for publication only original scientific articles that have not been published before and have not been submitted for publication in other journals. Articles are accepted in English.


ISSN (print) 1607-7970 ISSN (online) 2218-1903


All articles are assigned a unique DOI number.


The journal is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in technical sciences to the highest category "A".


The journal is published every two months.


The journal is included in the international databases: SCOPUS, ULRICH’S PERIODICALS DIRECTORY, COMPENDEX, EBSCO, PROQUEST, CROSSREF, DOAJ, INDEX COPERNICUS, included in the OPEN UKRAINIAN CITATION INDEX database and the abstract journal Dzherelo (Ukraine, Kyiv).


The electronic edition of the journal is stored in V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.


About Journal                   Archive



You can submit an article through             site


All articles are peer-reviewed.


Articles are used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license: CC BY-NC-ND.


           Access to the electronic version of the magazine is free.


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