New Publication: A Global Survey on Education and Training for the Conservation of Twentieth-Century Built Heritage


We are delighted to announce the publication of research report A Global Survey on Education and Training for the Conservation of Twentieth-Century Built.


This publication is the result of a global survey aiming at assessing whether the subject of twentieth-century built heritage conservation is being taught, where, and how. In the report, we describe both the methodology and the findings of this survey to help others involved in teaching heritage conservation to gain an understanding of the available resources and gaps existing in the field.


We are sending you the results of this survey because you were among the many organizations and institutions that responded to the online questionnaire. We want to extend our thanks to you for sharing with us precious information on your teaching programs and activities. We hope that you find the final result useful and that you join us in disseminating it to colleagues that may profit from its content.

A Global Survey on Education and Training for the Conservation of Twentieth-Century Built Heritage  is now available online for free download, and a print-on-demand option will be added soon.

On behalf of Getty Conservation Institute/CMAI and the DOCOMOMO ISC/Education+Training, we thank you again.  


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