სტუდენტური არქიტექტურული კონკურსი

12/28/2020 Design Competition- Architerrax Design of the Year 2021

We, Architerrax are organizing a design competition- Architerrax Design of the Year 2021. It is an international annual design competition with the sole purpose of encouraging students to design without any constraints. We would like to invite the students of your college to take part in this competition and represent your college at an international level. This would be a great learning opportunity for the students since they get to collaborate in teams, explore new paradigms and take a new approach for their design.

Competition Brief link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M642wu1JI57xWrE5gebd8D8FpX_P53Xm/view?usp=sharing

To know more visit -www.architerrax.com

Team Architerrax


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