01 Jul

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26 Jun

Meeting with the Fourth Year Students

On June 20, 2018, the third year students of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Power Engineering and Electrics, for the fourth year of the study, met with the Heads of the Department and the Curator of the Program in order to define the elective blocks and obtain additional information.
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Involvement of Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication in Internationalization and International Mobility

Since 2011, Georgian Technical University is involved in the EU-funded Erasmus Mundus program, which envisages the mobility of Bachelors, Masters, young researchers (post- doctorates) and academic/administrative staff at various higher education institutions in European countries. With the direct involvement of the office, 5 Erasmus Mundus projects were implemented at GTU (ALRAKIS, BACKIS, TEMPO, INFINITY, ACTIVE).
In the frames of Erasmus Mundus exchange projects, mobility was conducted from GTU to foreign Universities (25 students, 9 academic/administrative staff) and from foreign Universities to GTU (5 students, 9 academic / administrative staff). Among them mobility of 2 students, 1 academic personnel and 1 administrative staff was conducted from the Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication to the Foreign Universities.
The International Relations and Standards Office actively promotes GTU's active participation in EU-funded Tempus programs, aimed at facilitating higher education reform and developing co-operation in the EU partner countries, which envisages the implementation of European standards, elaboration of modern teaching programs and other similar activities.
The 15 projects of the Tempus program were implemented by direct involvement and coordination of the office, including the projects: REGENLAW, ENGITEC, EANET, MATHGEAR, RETHINKE, etc. The academic staff of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication at GTU was actively involved in the projects.
The new ERASMUS+ program has been launched since 2015 by incorporating such individual programs as Erasmus Mundus, Tempus...
With the direct involvement and coordination of the office, and with its proper consultation, the GTU, in partnership with European partner institutions has presented more than 34 new
projects in Erasmus + program. According to the present data, 28 projects completed the application ERASMUS + process successfully within the framework of Erasmus + First Activity (Learning Mobility of Individuals) - International Credit Mobility (ICM)
Within the framework of the implemented projects (28 projects), mobility was conducted from GTU to the Foreign Coordinator Universities (84 students, 22 academic/administrative staff), and from foreign Universities to GTU (2 students, 27 academic/administrative staff). In addition, 21 students are nominated for the 2017/2018 academic year Spring semester.
In this regard it should be noted that 12 students, 2 academic and 6 administrative staff took part in exchange projects and conducted mobility from the Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication of GTU to the foreign Universities. In addition, faculty staff received relevant certificates confirming the performance of the activities provided by mobility.
With the coordination of the office, three projects for the ERASMUS + KA2 Activity Grant Institutional Development (INNOCENS, PRINTEL, HERITAG) have passed ERASMUS + application process successfully and these projects are implemented in the university. Academic and administrative staff of the Faculty of Power Engineering and telecommunication of GTU are actively involved in the projects (preparation of projects, active participation in certified trainings planned within the framework of the project).
The Georgian Technical University has signed up to 243 memorandums with local and international higher educational institutions and organizations, including American, European and Asian institutes: Belarus (1 memorandum), Bulgaria (1 memorandum), Spain (4 memorandum), and foreign institutions, including Austria (1 Memorandum), England (3 Memorandum), Azerbaijan (1 Memorandum), Bangladesh (1 Memorandum), Bangladesh (1 Memorandum) (Memorandum), Turkey (4 memorandum), India (4 memorandum), Japan (1 memorandum), Iran (1 memorandum), South Korea (4 memorandum), Italy (8
memorandum), USA (4 memorandum), Latvia (2 memorandum), Macedonia (1 memorandum), Moldova (1 memorandum), Lithuania (6 memorandum), the Netherlands (1 memorandum), Romania (1 memorandum), Russia (6 Memorandum), France (1 memorandum), Serbia (1 memorandum), Slovakia (1 memorandum), Kazakhstan (2 memorandum), Sweden (1 Memorandum), Poland (13 Memorandum), Ukraine (7 Memorandum), Czech Republic (5 Memorandum), China (2 Memorandum), Swiss (2 Memorandum), Germany (9 memorandum).
The GTU is involved in the projects of “Millennium Challenge Fund – Georgia”. Within the premises of the projects the Consortium consisting of San Diego State University (SDSU) and Georgian Technical University, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Ilia State University is implementing bachelor programs in Georgia, including - the English-languaged program "Electronic Engineering" at the Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication. As a result, the graduates will receive American diplomas in engineering, technological and natural sciences specialties. Within the framework of the project, San Diego State University invited 2 academic staff of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication, who attended ABET Symposium and ABET Seminar at San Diego State University.
It is noteworthy that Georgian Technical University is a member of many international networks or associations, including International Telecommunication Union (ITU), European Association of Universities (EUA), Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN), Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U).
GTU has successful partnership and active participation with such leading educational and scientific-research organizations around the world: Japanese High Energy Accelerator Research Organization - KEK, German Jülich Scientific Research Center, CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research (Switzerland), Joint Institute of Nuclear Research - JINR (Dubna, Russia), The National Institute for Nuclear Physics - INFN (Italy) and others.
Prof. Otar Zumbulidze
Head of Office

Erasmus+ PDF