
In 2007, on the basis of higher education reforms in Georgia, as a result of the reorganization of the Georgian Technical University, the Faculties of Energy and Communications were incorporated and thus the faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication was created.

In the field of power engineering, the preparation of national engineering personnel was launched in 1922, at the Polytechnic Faculty of Tbilisi State University. The first dean of the faculty was Professor Alexander Didebulidze, founder of electro-technical science and education in Georgia. Five, out of ten 1928 year graduates of the Polytechnic Faculty of Tbilisi State University were awarded the qualification of electromechanical engineer.

The faculty of Power Engineering started independent existence in 1928 at the Georgian Polytechnic Institute. The founding fathers of the faculty were outstanding scientists and scholars, professors: Aleqsandre Didebulidze, Besarion Tchitchinadze, Aleqsandre Muskhelishvili, Stepane Kirqesali, Artem Ter-Khachaturian, Levan khizanishvili, Evgeni Petkevich, etc.

More than 25 000 specialists have been trained by the faculty for the fields of power engineering and telecommunication. Enormous contribution has been made for the development and advancement of the faculty of power engineering by the deans serving on the position at different times: prof. A. Ter-Khachaturov, engineer V. Karakhanian, engineer V. Arshba, prof. A Didebulidze, engineer P. Kiknadze, engineer A. Metonidze, docent M. kakhiani, docent G. Makharadze, docent G. Kupradze, prof. A. Kotia, docent O. Asatiani, prof. N. Ninua, prof. O. Kervalishvili, docent N. Tsivtsivadze, prof. D. Laoshvili. Currently the faculty is headed by G. Arabidze.

The energy systems of Georgia and electro-technical department of the most important industrial enterprises are entirely staffed by the graduates of the faculty.

The preparation of communication engineers in Georgia was founded in 1970, when the Faculty of Communication and Electronics was established on the basis of the Department of Radio Engineering and Industrial Electronics at Georgian Polytechnic Institute (now Georgian Technical University), which at various times was led by the prof. Sh. Razmadze, Prof. A. Kereselidze, Prof. T. Kupatadze. In 1974, Faculty of Communications and Electronics was transformed into Faculty of Communication. (Since 2007, the departments of “telecommunication” and “radio-engineering and broadcasting” have been functioning at the Faculty, representing the scientific-research centers for communications in Georgia.) The results of scientific researches have been published by faculty professors and specialists mainly in the international scientific publications of United States and European (Professors: S. Shavgulidze, N. Kharatishvili, Ph. Bogdanov, N. Ughrelidze, V. Japaridze, G. Kevanishvili, J. Khuntsaria, J. Beridze, O. Zumburidze, G. Arsenishvili, T. Kupatadze).

In 1978, the first union symposium on the Soviet Union was held in the video telephony on the Faculty of Communication and the first trial video-telephone network was launched in Tbilisi. In 1982, equipment was created based on the results achieved in the efficient encryption of images, which allowed the transmission of two TV programs into one high-frequency channel in the digital format of communication. Experiments were conducted in Dubna (Russia) in the satellite communication center. In 1983, the World Exhibition of Communications Achievement in Geneva (Switzerland), the exhibition space of the Soviet Union was equipped with an automated video system that was created at the Faculty of Communication of Georgian Polytechnic Institute and is now kept at Telecommunication Department of Georgian Technical University. The first defense of the Doctoral dissertation thesis in 1985 (N. Kharatishvili) was held at the Scientific Board of the Moscow Engineering Electro-technical Institute. In 1998, the presentation of the curriculum of the Faculty of Communication and the course programs was held at Manchester Metropolitan University (England) and the faculty started the process of European university training system (coordinator Prof. O. Zumburidze). Over the years, the Telecommunication Department staff were invited to conduct joint scientific-research work and lectures, at the United States Drexel (Prof. N. Kharatishvili) and Cornell (Professor Gdzelishvili), German Darmstadt, Ulm, Constance and Essen, Danish Lyngby, Swedish Linköping and Lund, Lancaster of England (Prof. Shavgulidze) universities, where up to 10 doctoral theses are defended under their supervision.

Currently the faculty comprises four departments: Telecommunication, Thermal Energy and Hydropower, Electric Power, Electronics and Electro-mechanics and Production Innovations and Operation Management departments. The teaching process is carried out at three levels of academic programs: Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programs, while at the high vocational studies the process is implemented on the fourth and fifth levels.

One teaching laboratory “Schneider Electric -Telasi” and seven scientific-research centers function at the faculty.

Modern teaching-scientific laboratories equipped with computer classes and modeled computer programs, as well as virtual laboratories with innovative technologies are available for the students.

The students have the opportunity to use a library, offering wide range of modern textbooks and supplementary literature, in Georgian and foreign languages (printed and electronic versions).

The students have access to the libraries of foreign partner universities and colleges.

Among the graduates of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunication, there are world-wide known scientists and engineers, who with their multilateral activity have greatly contributed to the development of civilization: Ivane Prangishvili - former vice-president of Georgian National Academy of Science, the founder and the first president of Georgian Engineering Academy, former director of Scientific-Research Institute for Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Giorgi Chogovadze – former first deputy of the chairman of Georgian Council of Ministers, academician Valerian Metreveli – former president of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Khalilov – former president of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Vakhtang Gomelauri and Vakhtang Tchitchinadze - academicians of Georgian Academy of Sciences, professor Nikoloz Gabashvili - corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences, Shota Luridze – academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Lodochnikov – main constructor of electric machines, Boris Timofeev – academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.