01 Jul

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26 Jun

Meeting with the Fourth Year Students

On June 20, 2018, the third year students of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Power Engineering and Electrics, for the fourth year of the study, met with the Heads of the Department and the Curator of the Program in order to define the elective blocks and obtain additional information.
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Department of Thermal Energy and Energy Efficiency # 201


The Department unites: teaching modules of the Bachelor's Degree Educational Program "Energy and Electrical Engineering" - "Thermal Energy Equipment" and "Non-Traditional Energy and Energy Efficiency"; Master's specialties - "Thermal Energy" and "Energy and Environment" and doctoral studies.

The field of scientific interests is: thermal energy; Thermal power plants; Heat supply; Modern technologies of burning of solid fuels; Energy saving and energy efficient technologies; Renewable energy resources; Energy management; Energy audit; Ecological safety and optimization of work modes of power plants; Technical diagnostics of energy equipment, computer expert and training systems; Cogeneration of electric and heat energy; Non-traditional machinery and systems of generation; Investment efficiency and risk assessment issues of energy projects; Establishment of efficient use of renewable energy resources and introduction of complex schemes for ecological systems protection.

The members of the department are actively cooperating with various international organizations, companies and investors, participate in international, state and regional programs, as the main performer of international and local grants. With their immediate participation in Tbilisi and other regions of Georgia, the energy efficiency pilot projects were carried out, energy-saving technologies were introduced in household, teaching-educational, medical, commercial and industrial sectors.

Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral students are involved in the department's activities participating in a number of grant projects, scientific conferences, they get acquainted with various energy objects.

Graduates work successfully in different fields of industry, thermal power plants, housing-communal sectors, agro-industrial complexes, auto-gasification facilities, scientific-research institutions and design organizations. They are also employed in industrial and commercial enterprises, public organizations, governmental agencies, consulting firms and agencies, international organizations, energy companies, including leading positions.