International Scientific - Practical Conference


On 20-21st of November 2021 Georgian Technical University


Holds the International Scientific - Practical Conference





To Mark the 80th Anniversary of the GAAS Professor/Academician Guram Tkemaladze


The Innovative Research Aspects in Agricultural Science



You are Invited to Take Part in a Conference Work







1. Food Technology and Safety

2. Viticulture and Enology

3. Forestry

4. Agricultural Technology

5. Agricultural Engineering


Working Languages of the Conference ​​- Georgian, English, Russian


The Conference Location – Georgian Technical University

                               Guramishvili Ave. №17, 0192, Tbilisi, Georgia

                                           Conference Hall


Time of the Conference - 20-21st of November, Conference Hall -10.00 o'clock







For participation in the Conference


Until October 31 of 2021 it is necessary to present

on e-mail: the following documents:


The filled in Registration Form and the Article should be send on e-mail.



All the Conference Proceedings will be published by the Publishing House of the Georgian Technical University



Detailed information about the conference is available on the website of

Georgian Technical University:


   Contact Information:


Malkhaz Berezhiani     Professor     (593229146)

Ketevan Makhashvili –   Professor     (595175564)


Contact Address - Guramishvili Ave. №17, 0192, Tbilisi, Georgia







  • Article printed in A4 format of text editor Mic­ro­soft Word;

  • Margins: top - 20 mm, bottom -20mm, left – 30mm, right - 20 mm;

  • Used font: for Georgian article Sylfaen, for English and Russian Times New Roman. The interval between lines – 1,5;

  • Formulas should be typed by formula editor Equation;

  • Figures placed in text in formats JPEG and BMP;

  • On the first line printed article headline (14 Pt, Bold);

  • Through the line the name and initials of the authors (13 Pt, Bold);

  • Through the line full name of organization (12 Pt, Bold);

  • Through the line the short articles annotation (10 Pt, in italics, no more than 500 characters);

  • Through the line the text of article (12 Pt );

  • Through the two lines summary of the article in English (no more than 500 characters, 10 Pt );

  • Volume of articles 3 -5 p.;

  • The number of articles submitted by one author – no more than two.

  • On the file electronic version of article should be the name of the first author


Organizing committee reserves the right to reject materials irrelevant to the topic or formed without the aforementioned rules.


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