21 Sep

The Georgian women's national team is the winner of the world team championship

The Georgian women's chess team won the title of world champion at the world team championship
21 Sep

Festive event of the faculty

On September 25, at 3:00 p.m.,  the graduation evening of the undergraduate students of the Faculty of Business Technologies and the ceremonial reception of freshmen will be held  In the Ivane Javakhishvili hall of GTU
21 Sep

Rector's congratulations

The rector congratulates the national women's chess team of Georgia on winning the title of world champion for the second time
21 Sep

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France

Erasmus+ exchange programs in Lithuania and France for the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year
21 Sep

Project writing and counseling camp

On October 16-20, the writing and counseling camp will be held again in Tbilisi. Applicants can register until October 4, 2023
See More News

Faculty of Business Technologies

Annual International Scientific Conference  “AUTHORITY AND SOCIETY-2023”. Date of the conference: November 03-04, 2023

For the attention of those wishing to study at the Master's and at the doctoral degree!

Collective Monograph has been published

Saarland University professors public lectures

"Globalization and Modern Business Challenges"
25 May 2023 the VII international scientific conference "Globalization and Modern Business Challenges" will be held at the Georgian Technical University

The monograph "World viticulture and winemaking: history, modernity and prospects for sustainable development" was published

„AUTHORITY AND SOCIETY – 2022“  XVI International Scientific Conference Proceedings

Annual International Scientific Conference “AUTHORITY AND SOCIETY-2022”.  Date of the conference: October 28-29, 2022

For the attention of the students of the Faculty of Business Technologies!

Сonference information

International Scientific Conference

"Global Challenges of the World"

Сonference information

VI International Scientific Conference
"Globalization and Modern Business Challenges"

Сonference information

Annual International Scientific Conference “AUTHORITY AND SOCIETY-2021”

Authority and Society – 2019

Proceedings of the XIII International Scientific Conference have been published

Decision of the Accreditation Council

Decision of the Accreditation Council of Educational Programs Educational Programs of Business Technologies Faculty of Georgian Technical University:

 1. Bachelor's Educational Program - Business Administration (Georgian);

2. Bachelor's Educational Program - Business Administration (Russian);

3. Bachelor's Educational Program - Banking and Finance Technologies;

4. Master's Educational Program - Business Administration (Georgian);

5. Master's Educational Program - Business Administration (English Language);

6. Master's Educational Program - Banking Processes Management

7. Doctorate Educational Program - Business Administration.

In accordance with the decision of the Accreditation Council of Educational Programs of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement the educational programs of Business Technologies Faculty were accredited. 

Congratulations to the academic, invited and administrative staff of the Faculty of Business Technologies, students and graduates. Thank you for the fruitful work and wish you active work to further development of the educational programs.

The Faculty of Business technologies at Georgian Technical University has been created on the basis of Resolution 1987 of 16.05.2016 taken by Academic Council of GTU, on the basis of Resolution of 13.05.2016 taken by the Council of the Faculty of Business-Engineering (as a result of reorganization of the Faculty of Business-Engineering).

 The faculty of Business Technologies unites the educational programs of all the three steps (the implementation of which has been started fr om 2016-2017 on the basis of Resolution #2014 taken on 25.05.2016 by the Academic Council of GTU, based on the programs accredited:

 Bachelor’s program:

Public Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration (Russian-based)

Banking and Financial Technologies

Hotel Service


Master’s program:

Business Administration

Business Administration (English-based)

Business Process Management

Public Administration

Public Administration (Russian-based)

E-Business IT

Hotel Service Management


Business Administration

Public Administration


The Faculty has the relevant structure of modern educational requirements which includes the following academic and scientific-research units:

  • Department of Business Administration
  • Department of Finances and Bank Technologies;
  • Department of Public Administration and E-Business;
  • Institute of Public Administration Problems Research;
  • Academic, Scientific and Research laboratory of Business technologies;
  • Academic and Scientific-research laboratory of bank technologies;
  • Local self-administration research laboratory.


International Conferences are held at the Faculty of Business Technologies, together with workshops, trainings. The international and internal faculty-based projects are implemented currently and in past, with the participation of professor-teachers and students;

The fact of delivering lectures by the professors fr om foreign countries has become the tradition;

The faculty has signed the agreement with various government and non government organizations, wh ere students are probationers and practice their theories;

The undergraduates of PhD program of the Faculty have won the grant of educational programs of PhD degree by Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Fund;

Our students are actively involved in exchange programs. More than 60 students get state scholarships; up to 50 students have won the state grant.

 The postgraduates of the Faculty of Business technologies will be able to get employment at:

·  Government organizations (Administration of the President of Georgia, Chamber of Parliament of Georgia and relevant committees, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, City Hall; Chamber of Public Ombudsman; National Bank of Georgia, Department of Statistics of Georgia, Specialized Departments of Georgia, organizations and regional services);

·  International Organizations (UN, EU, International Currency Fund, World Bank and other) and representation offices of Georgia;

·  Non government organizations’

·  International and National Public and private companies, commercial representation offices, insurance and mediation-distribution companies, funds, commodity, stock exchange markets, export-import agencies, Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other economic services;

·  High Schools;

·  State Authority of Tourism;

·  National and Transnational Property Hotels;

·  Tour operators and shipping companies;

·  Functional structures of economic profile and so on.

 Business Administration Department was founded in 2013. It is the successor of the Department of Economics and Business Management of the Faculty of Business Engineering, Georgian Technical University, which was operating in 2007-2013.

Professors of the Department are actively involved in the international conferences of different ranks. Publish monographs and textbooks, as well as articles in the Georgian Technical University collection, as well as international and referral journals:

"Management Administration", "Modern Business Strategies", "Basics of Management and Administration", "Business Competitiveness and Administration", "Business Management Policies", "Regional Management" and "Business Management Policies" "Regional Development Diagnostics," "Service Management", "Comparative Management and Clustering", "Management" Book 1 and Book 2, "Global Innovative Problems of Economics and Business", "Management Internal Audit" and others. The specified textbooks are used in various educational institutes of our country, distinguished by Georgian consciousness and are different from other analogies.

For the first time in 2017 International Scientific Conference "Globalization and Modern Business Challenges" was held annually.

The Department has actively continued to work on the improvement of all cycle curriculum programs and envisages the development of new master's and doctoral English language programs.

 The Department of Financial and Banking Technologies was created in 2011 based on the Banking Chair, which was established in December 1st, 1995 at the Georgian Technical University. Due to the mission of the Technical University of Georgia, the Department of Finance and Banking Technologies is training the highest qualification specialists and researchers in compliance with competitive international standards, with the ability to use finance and banking sphere and innovative methods.

Faculty of financial and banking technologies led by Professors was successfully and successfully adhered to Doctoral Thesis. The staff of the department issued dozens of scientific and teaching methodical guidelines and lectures.

 The Department of Public Administration and Electronic Business has been established on the basis of the major German-based German Institute of Technology and two former chairs - "state management" and "business information technologies".

The department has a material-technical base, which publishes scientific journal "Government and Society". (The magazine was founded in 2006 by the Department of State Management and is published four times a year). Every year since 2007, the Faculty of Business Engineering and Magazine "Authority and Society" is conducting an international scientific conference on topical issues of science and politics. Conference materials, according to tradition, are published in 2 editions: "Government and Society" and also in Scientific Journal "Script Manunt". Conference popularity shows the fact that over 100 scientists, doctorates, graduate students and students from around the world participate in more than 10 countries.

 Strengthening practical training of students in the Institute of Public Management Studies and enhancing the quality of scientific research activities in the profile of the Institute.

 The objective of the Institute's activities is to identify problems in the field of public management and carry out research in order to overcome difficulties in forming                knowledge-based economies.

The research activities of the Institute focus on three main directions:

• Innovative public services, technologies management and ways of their implementation;

• Implementation of e-governance policy;

• Public and Private Sector Partnership Models - Political-Legal Environment.

 The Institute's projects are based on modern engineering, social, economic and social approaches to modernization of public governance mechanisms, modeling methods, as well as administrative, political and historical-cultural methods.

The Strategic Development of the Institute is supervised by the Reference Board, which consists of faculty-faculty faculty of Business Technologies of Georgian Technical University, foreign members and public governance experts.

 The Business, Technology and Research Laboratory of Business Technologies serves to enhance the University's scientific-research and learning potential in the field of business technologies;

 Objectives and objectives of the work of the laboratory are:

• Active participation in the preparation of highly qualified staff, intensive integration with the learning process; All three levels of higher education (bachelor's, master's, doctoral degree), involve students of educational programs in the practical work of studying scientific research and learning process.

• Analytical activities related to scientific-research work on the economy and business of the faculty; researching various aspects of business environment, corporate communication and business technologies; Expert assessment with appropriate conclusion-recommendations.

• Involve faculty (other faculties of the university if necessary) faculty, doctoral and graduate students for organizing and conducting research, consultation, short-term thematic seminars and trainings for business technologies.

• Research activities and dissemination of results

 The Banking Technologies Study and Research Laboratory, which is named after Professor Zurab Chkhaidze, were established on March 1st, 2010 with the help of one of the commercial banks of financial and banking. The lab was equipped with appropriate technical means. One of the companies producing software provided the laboratory with the appropriate licenses for free operating system. The complete model of modern banking institutions created in the laboratory and automated management system of bank IT infrastructure; students have the opportunity to carry out various banking operations in the real system. Today in this system as employee of a banking institution, different courses students are registered. At the same time, they are opening bank accounts as clients of the banking institution and carry out various banking transactions.

The Georgian Technical University is the first high school in the Caucasus, which has received the "Google Apps Education Edition" service. Currently, 270 active users, including graduate students, graduate students, doctoral, department and faculty, use this service of laboratory.

Today, licensed software systems and antivirus tools are installed on a banking technology server and 18 vacancies.

 The local self-study laboratory is functioning in the Department of Public Administration and Electronic Business.

The main task of the laboratory is to analyze and analyze local self-governance problems using the modern methodology of research, analyze and elaborate recommendations for solving these problems, as well as equipping the future public servants with appropriate knowledge.

Department of the project, which is aimed at secondary school students between the public awareness and the establishment of the national-patriotic-enhancement, which will contribute to the overall public awareness and public participation in the governance of the culture of this country has a positive influence on both the political and economic development of the Multi-occupancy.

Within the framework of the project the students' groups were trained to establish and develop national governance, civic self-consciousness and national-patriotic spirit. They will carry out the appropriate teaching among high school students of Georgian schools. The trainers and then the school learners will know what is actually state management, how to participate in public administration and so on.

The expertise of scientific papers created in foreign languages ​​continues. In this regard the Department is actively cooperating with several foreign universities and scientific centers. Particular cooperation connects the Department with the German, Austrian and Ukrainian scientific centers.